Chapter 5: A Newcomer?

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(It just feels like an intro to a world like this plus kinda gives off some suspense)

Year: July 2 2000 (time to stop 9/11-)


In the morning

Purifier didn't sleep as she fixed the the rest of the base along some shipgirls who fell asleep midway. 4 F/A-18Fs flew overhead with  7x AIM-120D AMRAAMS and 4x AGM-84A Block IIIs in each plane. 3 AH-64Es with 8x AGM-114Es, M261 38x Hydra 70s and 4x AIM-92 ATAS Block II on each helicopter fly over.



40 Heavy Siren bombers (space climbing) were above bombing as 4 F/A-18Es with 11x AIM-120D AMRAAMS went to chase them. They were shot down with some difficulty.

"Damn B-52 ripoffs." Ty said while watching. Puri was "installing" Phalanx CIWS Block 2Cs around the base by putting a 5000KG bomb in the grass then blowing it up then putting the system in then filling the hole back up and BAM.


The CIWS fires at the the planes with HEF rounds and blue laser rounds and one gun fires each ammo type. So it's a light show at night since the siren attacks at night sometimes. 

"Come on work you damn F-35!" Ty says as she was fixing a banged up F-35C she found in her world which was only missing an engine due to issues with the system (real btw) and she recently went to the F-135 Heavy Maintenance Center in Tinker AFB in Oklahoma and got multiple F-135s to help with fixing the premature distress in the rotor blade coating in the power module and a missing wing. 

Ty soon fixed the wing and just replaced the coating with the one that's better and will not melt(idk so). 


Name: Milan Class Attack Ship



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2 x 230mm Mark 35 Laser Cannon

Ammo: ANPS-35 Plasma Round (Light Purple)

8 x 120mm Mark 26 Laser Cannon

Ammo: ANPS-28 Plasma Round (Blue) ANPS-30 Plasma Round (Green)

2 x Manual Laser System Version 7

1 x Mark 130 Shield System


Around 150 crew members.


2 Milans pass by overhead as the shipgirls were confused if these were sirens were not.

"What the hell is that?" North Carolina says as Ty walks up with Hornet(B) next to her.

"Holy shit she actually did it!" Ty saids as she was cheering and Hornet(B) was just looking. The shipgirls were just confused.

Purifier was piloting one of the Milan's as these were battle hardened along with the crew.

"So what do you all think of my project?" Purifier said through the speakers. Ty just did a thumbs up as the 2 Milans flew away to do testing since these haven't fired their guns for a year and were wreckages.

Somewhere in the Atlantic

A carrier appeared out of thin air with 83 on its island as nearby british ships went to scout the ship and see if they are the enemy.

"So what did I get called for again?" Javelin says annoyed because she was sleeping. Among the fleet as Warspite, KGV and Formidable.

"Well my sister said they got a ship on the radar and from what it seems its a destroyer or a light cruiser and it is an unknown ship as no Royal Navy ship has been confirmed to be here." Warspite replies while she is spinning her sword.

"Yeet" Formidable replies with a weird look on her face.


Author: HELL NO

Take 2

Formidable was using her binos and spots the ship and the thing is that's not a destroyer that's a whole fucking carrier. 

"I found the destroyer." Formidable says ready to play a trick. The others look at her.

"Wait really?" Javelin says with excitement. "Finally I can go to sleep after this."

(Screw this writing style I think it demotivated me)

Formidable looks at Javelin before saying.

Formidable: It's a huge aircraft carrier not a destroyer.

Javelin: Wait really?

She then squinted and saw a girl that looked like Yorktown with coffee.

Javelin: Isn't Yorktown back at Pearl Harbor?


Sorry for the wait. Midterms are next week so. . . wish me luck?

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