Chapter 9 - Resting Day

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Sup, chapter 9 let's go

Y/n's Pov

I finally wake up in my bed, I sit up to notice Pearl at the end of my bed.

"Can I help you?" I ask her
"IT'S 2 PM," she shouts, she keeps yelling about how late I stayed up
I get up and stand beside her, "Alarm off," I say as I pat the top of her head
She looks at me disgusted-like, "Don't EVER do that again," she says
"Sure thing, alarm clock," I head downstairs to be greeted by Marina
"Hello there, sleep well?" she says with a giggle
"No, Pearl woke me up," I say as I head to the bathroom to brush my teeth
"I HEARD THAT," she says as she comes running downstairs 
"Where'd you get a toothbrush?" she asks
"I got one the other day," I say
"Better not be mine or else I'll skin you," Pearl says
"Don't worry, I know not to choose the one that has 'M.C. PRINCESS' on the side of it," I say
"Good, you know how to read," she says snarkily before leaving

I sigh and continue brushing my teeth

I exit the bathroom and see Marina and Pearl sitting on the couch, "Don't y'all have that show to do?" I ask them
"Already did it, you were asleep the whole time," Pearl says
"I slept that long?" I ask 
"Yup, what time did you get home?" Marina asks
"Bout 3 am," I tell her
"Jeez, okay night owl," Marina says
"Har har, very funny. Be glad I'm officially Agent 7 now," I say
"Eh, true, welcome to the New Squidbeak Splatoon," Marina says
"What time did y'all get home?" I ask
"Like 12, it was like right after you beat us," Marina says
"I heard Pearl had a pretty humiliating lost," I say
"Oh shut it, I would've easily clobbered you if Marie went against Marina instead," she says angrily
"Oh yeah, good fighting back there, I was totally caught off guard by that move you pulled," Marina says
"I did the same thing to Emma as well," I add
"She told you her name?" Pearl asks
"Yep, so did Mia," I say while getting a glass of milk
"Movin on up in the world," Marina says
"Ah yes, then I'll be the most popular and rich person in the world," I jokingly say and pose dramatically
"Some people say don't let your dreams be dreams, but maybe that one should stay a dream," Pearl snaps back
"Daaaammmmnnnn, out here throwin heat," I say 
"You know it!" she says confidently 
I finish drinking milk and wash the glass, "So what're you two nerds gonna do today?" I ask
"Probably just chill here," Marina says
"Welp, I'm gonna be at Octocanyon," I say as I head out
"Aww, why? It's your break day," Pearl says
"Eh, just wanna, plus I'm bored and love it when Marie hits Callie in the back of the head for being sexual," I say, "Wanna tag along?"
"Sure," Marina says. "Eh, got nothing better to do," Pearl says

They both get up from the couch and follow me to the door, "Ladies first, " I say, holding the door open for them
"Such a gentleman," Marina says sarcastically
"Pfft, come on, boy," Pearl says
"Yes madam," I say a follow in pursuit, I lock the door on the way out so no one tries to steal from the house

It only takes a few seconds for Pearl and Marina to get swarmed by fans.

"I'll meet y'all there," I say as I push through the increasing crowd
"Might be for the best..." Pearl says
I hop down the grate and see Marie and Callie just chillin in front of the shack

"Oh, Agent 7, what a pleasant surprise," Marie says
"Sup!" Callie says enthusiastically 
"You just wake up?" Marie asks
"Yup woke up at 2 pm," I say
"Oh no, he's turning..." Callie says with a look of fear
"Yes! Turn to the dark side!" Marie says while coaxing me over
"I will never join the night owls," I say as I walk over to them
"Exactly what Anakin said but he turned," Marie says
"Oh shuddup," I say

Just then, Pearl and Marina pop out of the Grate

"Yo!" Pearl says 
"Hey all," Marina says 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2021 ⏰

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