Chapter 3 - The First Mission

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Sorry for the lack of updates y'all, I just had some personal issues that I had to be taken care of. I'll get back into making the story though, so expect more chapters soon! Also, I'm going to try writing a new way, so tell me if it's better and I should keep it or worse and I should change it back to the other way.

Y/n's Pov

"Ah!" I yell while waking up in a cold sweat, "Oh, it's just a nightmare, good..."
Marina comes rushing into the room, "Y/n! Is everything okay?" she says obviously worried
"Yeah, yeah" I say, looking at Marina, "It's just a nightmare..."

My words kinda trail off as I think about my nightmare. I've had nightmares for about a month, long before I met Pearl and Marina

I check the clock. "8 am, I've got to get going soon" I say, clearly trying to cheer myself up "Hope the first mission is easy" I hop out of bed and a loud thud follows as I land on the floor "I've really got to work soft landings"
Marina giggles. "Yeah, you might" she says "You might be short but you've still got some weight!" she says teasingly

I've got a bit of a slim build but I still easily weigh a good amount, I don't fully understand why because I am so short. I groggily follow Marina downstairs, she heads to the couch to eat her cereal. I like smelling the good smell of warm breakfast, but I'm more of a cold breakfast kind of guy. Mostly cause I love cereal so much or a good sandwich, nothing beats a good sandwich.

"Smells good" I say as I rub my eyes
"You bet it smells good!" Pearl says, proud of her work, "Nothing beats bacon and eggs!"
"Except a good sandwich" I say as Pearl looks at me with disgust
"You're not on team Cold Breakfast, right?" Pearl says with questioningly, this catches Marina's attention
"Team Cold Breakfast? What do you mean?" I say while looking at Pearl with obvious confusion in my voice
"Team Cold Breakfast or Warm Breakfast? The upcoming splatfest?" Pearl stares at me like I just asked a dumb question
"Splatfest? What's a Splatfest?" I say, still not knowing what she's talking about
"You don't know what a Splatfest is?!?!?" Pearl says looks at me like I just offended her
"Sorry sorry! I never had them where I used the live..." I say feeling left out, "Never really had anything fun now that I think about it-"
Pearl quickly interrupts me in the middle of talking, "A splatfest is only the greatest thing in the world! It's where two teams of opposite sides clash it out to see who's team is superior!" her voice is full of excitement, she looks like a kid in a candy shop... It's kinda cute... I can basically feel my face turn a reddish-purple from that thought
"Uhm, everything alright Y/n?" Marina asks me, seeing me blush
"U-uh, yeah! Everything's a-okay!" I say very nervously
"Are you sure? Your face is very purple...." asks Marina. I can tell she knows what's up
"H-hey! How about Pearl tells me more about splatfests!" I quickly try to change the subject
"Oh yeah, splatfests are these big events where two teams go against each other to find out which opinion or team is better. Like this splatfest! Warm Breakfast vs Cold Breakfast!" Pearl went on explaining for about 15 minutes while cooking breakfast. She gets done with breakfast as soon as she is done talking.

She puts an equal amount of breakfast on two plates, four pieces of bacon and 2 eggs each place. Marina made herself cereal so she didn't eat with us.

"I'm gonna have to admit, this looks amazing" my mouth watering at the site of food
"Well thank you! I've been practicing." Pearl says proudly with a big smile
"Soooo..... What team are you choosing for the splatfest?" Marina asks, peering over the couch
"I...uh.... I don't know, I'll answer you once I get back from the mission" I say with my mouth full
"Aww, okay...." Marina says with the puppy dog look in her eyes
"Marina, no, I will not give into the cuteness to join your team. Let me take time to decide" I say while finishing my plate
Taking the opportunity, Marina says, "So you think I'm cute, hmmm?"
Clearly flustered and with a reddish-purple face, I hardly respond, "N-no! I mean y-yes you are cute but I d-didn't mean it like that!" Pearl just starts laughing at me
"I know, I know. I'm just teasing" Marina says while giggling

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