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2 months later*

Tiffany POV*

Yall know that im 3 months now. Yall know im showing. Im bigger than normal. Anyway im on my way to my appointment. I do have Kai and Nia with me.

Kai: can we go to the store?

Me: yea when we leave from my appointment

Kai: ok

We pulled up at the doctors. We got out and i got Nia. We had went inside.

Me: go sit down

Kai had sat down and Nia followed him and climbed in the chair. I went to the desk and signed in. I had sat down and waited.

Deontay POV*

Im in the house sitting on the couch. My mother had came in the house. I think she still mad at me. She talk to me but it be tense when she walk in the room. She aint say anything about the whole thing neither. As everybody should already know my grandmother had something to say about it. I wasnt planning on being with Janel. She was all in my face so i was like she must wanted to fuck so thats what we did. But it just so happened that she call me everyday to do that. I stopped talking to her anyways after All what happen. I want Tiffany tho. I messed up so she aint gonna want me back. Imma try my best to get her back tho. Gotta give her some time tho.

Makayla POV*

On the phone with Tiff. She just leaving her appointment. Its crazy how we always pregnant at the same time. Im due in less than 3 months. Im having a girl btw.

Tiffany POV*

Im in the car with Kai and Nia. I just found out that im having twins. Thats a lot of kids. Kai bad as shit and Nia just to much. Now im getting 2 more at the same time. Shit crazy.

Kay: you on ya way in the house?

Me: nah , im going to my mother house

Kay: o ok

We kept talking. I pulled up at my mother house and got out.

Me: let me call you right back

Kay: ok

Kai got out and ran up to the house. I got Nia out and she wanted to get down so i did that. She went running behind him. My mother opened the door and we all went inside. Nia started reaching for my mother and she picked her up.

Mom: you took them with you

Me: yea

Mom: any problems or anything

Me: nah , they just told that im having twins

Mom: are you serious?

Me: thats what i said

Mom: you really gonna have trouble on ya hands because these 2 are 5 children by themselves

Me: right

Mom: but continue to be on track on getting ya house

Me: i have to get that asap now

Mom: you dont have the money?

Me: i do have the money for a the house that im looking at getting

Mom: where is this house?

Me: Shifter Street , its closer to Kai school so he can catch the school bus

Mom: thats good , did you fill out an application for it?

Me: yea

Mom: well hopefully it come through for you

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