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A collection of gasps, cries and screams saying 'yes' from the crowd brought me back to the man kneeling in front of me. My mind rushed through nothing and everything at once. My whole life could change.

My whole life will change.

I couldn't bring myself to say anything. The ring, it was absolutely beautiful, but I didn't care.

Tears were already welling in my eyes and I briskly nodded, knowing that if I said anything I could quite possibly burst into tears.

He jumped up, the happiest and most adoring smile spread across his face I have ever seen, and wrapped his arms around me, lifting me up.

I heard the hundreds of cheers and the giant woops and whistles from Sammy and Johnson back stage.

"Wait, I need to put your ring on."

My ring.

My engagement ring.

I'm engaged.

Jacks my fiancé. We're to get married.

Oh my god.

Then I fainted.

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