I fell for Him.

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Jungkook remembers the hardships the team went through, Jungkook simply can't forget how he almost gave up! But stayed just because Jin Hyung asked him to, he remembers crying in front of Hobi not to leave, he is glad things worked out for them.

Jungkook was thankful to every member and couldn't thank them enough to be there for him, Always! He has learned so much from them and has received so much love and care that he couldn't think of his life missing even one of them, Jungkook saw his Hyungs as puzzle pieces that completed him.

He was glad they were still together. He was glad that he was still able to see his face every day!

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't control his thoughts when he was left alone- It was almost annoying- cause no matter from where the trail of thoughts started it ended on him and him only- Yoongi Hyung!

Jungkook couldn't pinpoint when he fell for his Hyung.

There was a time when Jungkook thought the idea of falling for a fellow bandmate was completely absurd as well! The 17-year old doe-eyed Jungkook never would have thought that out of everyone it would happen to him!

Jungkook joined the company, purely because The underground Rapper he admired was said to be the part of Bighit! Everyone knew he had too many options- but he chose the company so he could learn from the person he admired! 

He still remembers wide and clear, the first time he met Yoongi- The lean, pale boy with exceptionally pretty features, dressed in a plain black T-shirt, cap, and shorts. Jungkook never thought that this pretty-looking boy would be a savage rapper!

When he heard Yoongi rap for the first time, He was shocked and moved at the same time! Jungkook found Yoongi exceptionally cool!-  Though he didn't have the courage to go up and talk to him, firstly because Jungkook was super shy, and secondly the cold exterior Yoongi had, made Jungkook avoid any kind of direct contact with him, as much as he could.

Jungkook watched as Yoongi worked spending sleepless nights in the studio and Jin having to drag him out and make him eat- He watched as Namjoon and Yoongi argued and threw stuff at each other day and night, while poor Hobi tried to calm them down. 

To be honest, at that time it scared Jungkook, he didn't want them to fall out but now, Jungkook is fond of these memories, it makes him chuckle whenever he thinks about the time then.

Jungkook sighed as a clear memory flashed in his brain, He remembers being scared as Yoongi woke him up in the middle of the night, wondering if he was going to get yelled at. He was already on verge of tears when he heard Yoongi say "Don't sleep on the floor, Jungkook! Sleep on your bed, You might catch a cold. Go in and rest!" His voice was soft and husky, as he ruffled Jungkook's hair gently, Jungkook felt overwhelmed and started crying, he still remembers how Yoongi panicked watching him cry.

Jungkook had been feeling home-sick, Yoongi being gentle with him just made it hard to control himself, He remembers how Yoongi sat there whole night holding him, just being there for him while he cried. 

After the incident Jungkook was taken under Yoongi's wing, he would crouch down next to his table just to watch Yoongi work. Yoongi made sure Jungkook was always well fed and slept as much as they could afford at that time, Jin Hyung was a great help with taking care of Jungkook. Soon, Jungkook could tell Yoongi was an extremely soft and sensitive person and his cold exterior was just to protect himself. 

Even now, Jungkook was still really proud that he was the only one who knew the password of Yoongi's lab! Jungkook giggled at the sudden TMI.

Jungkook admired how hardworking Yoongi was, how he spent nights writing songs and melody tirelessly, how well he played piano, he admired his fashion sense, he admired how Yoongi had a way of looking out for everyone, the way he cooked for them so Jin could rest, the way he whined yet never said no to Jimin and Taehyung, How he always looked out for Namjoon who would unintentionally break stuff, how he was always telling Hobi he was doing great when Hobi doubted his rapping skills, Yoongi was always there to let them know how he adored them and how great they were doing! 

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