The Ones who shared the House Longest!

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Jungkook sighed for the nth time, making Jimin lose his cool. "What... what... what is so wrong huh?"He yelled starling Taehyung a bit as he was engrossed in his game, "Yah! Jimin-ah! I almost won! Why would you scare me like that?"Taehyung pouted as the game ended, "Don't yell at me, I will throw hands if Jungkook sigh's one more time, am telling you!"Jimin glared at Taeghyung and Jungkook, making Taehyung pout.

"Yah! What's wrong? I know you want to talk about it, so just say it, my game is already done because of you annoying Jimin anyways..."Taehyung said turning to Jungkook, Jungkook quickly turned to them folding his legs on the bed getting comfortable, he had been waiting for them to ask for so long... it was really frustrating.

"I went to Yoongi Hyung's studio..." He began, just to be cut off in the middle as the duo in front of him yelled together "AGAIN??" "Yah! Jungkook you need to get a grip. Let the man work in peace, and you should work as well..." Taehyung said in a serious tone which made Jungkook pout, "Yah! Can you guys please listen to me first?"Jungkook has waited long to get it off his chest and his friends weren't helping at all right now.

"Fine. Go on... after all, you were just here to talk about it anyways..."Jimin said rolling his eyes,

"So I was in the studio and hyung was just working..." Jungkook began as memories of the day flooded back in his brain.

Jungkook fixed his equipment on the desk in front of the couch, "Jungkook-aah! I don't understand. Is there something wrong with your studio? Do you want me to talk to Staff? Why do you have to work from here?"Yoongi asked confused, "No Hyung! It's just I am very much distracted in my studio and am not able to work at all! I think if I will be here, looking at you working will motivate me as well, and I will get some work done for Real! I just... I am sorry... I didn't think about how inconvenient it would be for you... I will go back!"Jungkook hurried to unplug the equipment, "Ah... Aniyo! It's fine... You can stay! It's fine. It's not like I haven't worked with people in the room. Yeah. It will be fine."Yoongi said more to himself than Jungkook.

Jungkook bit his lip feeling bad for invading Yoongi's Privacy but it was all true, Jungkook really wanted to focus on work, and being in the same room with Yoongi made Jungkook calm and helped him focus. It was a mystery even to Jungkook, how just Yoongi being present near him made him feel at ease.

Yoongi however wasn't feeling in his zone today, as he kept getting conscious even when he knew Jungkook wasn't watching him, he couldn't help but feel a bit anxious wanting to be perfect with the song he was working on but his mind just went blank, wondering what he should do now? Yoongi got up from his chair distracting Jungkook from his work a little. Jungkook was about to ask what was wrong when they heard a furious knock on the door.

"Namjoon."Yoongi pointed at the door for Jungkook as he shook his head smiling, feeling a bit relieved that he might get a bit of distraction now, conveying he was going to open the door before the excited kid breaks it to Jungkook, Yoongi walked to the door.

Jungkook was working when he felt Yoongi getting up from his chair, surprised he looked with questioning eyes at Yoongi, who just replied with "Namjoon" Indicating he was going to let him in, The smile Yoongi had when he walked to the door bothered Jungkook. 

He knew it was Namjoon even before he knocked! - His brain pointed out fueling the little spark! Jungkook shook his head trying to empty his head and focus back on his work. 

"Hyung! Hyung! Are you doing something?" Namjoon chirped loud enough for Jungkook to know that he was very excited about something, "Not really, did your desk arrived Joonie?"Yoongi couldn't help but smile adoring the childlike excitement that showed on Namjoon's face. "You remembered!!"Namjoon cheered wide-eyed pulling Yoongi in a side hug and Yoongi felt smaller than he usually did in his embrace, a little flush showing up on Yoongi's face made him look adorable. "Cute." Namjoon laughed letting Yoongi go but still holding onto his hand earning a frown. "Hyung? Hyungggggggggg...."Namjoon sang and Jungkook felt like pushing Namjoon away from Yoongi.

"Namjoon sang and Jungkook felt like pushing Namjoon away from Yoongi

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"What Namjoon-ah? Just come to the point."Yoongi cringed at Namjoon trying to act cute, "Can you assemble the desk for me? Am too scared to even open it, It's very expensive and I don't want to break it just on the day it arrived. If you are free... Can you please help me with it? I can only trust you with it, so will you help?" Namjoon looked at Yoongi excitedly, and Yoongi couldn't help but agree. 

"But Yoongi hyung was working, Namjoon Hyung!" Jungkook said as he wasn't able to take it anymore...  "Ah... Jungkook-ah you are here as well! I didn't see you at the back" Namjoon said finally noticing Jungkook. 

"It's fine Jungkook! You can work here, I will be back after helping Namjoon" Yoongi said as he turned his system off. "But..." Jungkook bit his lip as there was nothing he could do to stop Yoongi, as Yoongi was always the one Bangtan relied on when it came to fixing and making things, especially for Namjoon, since the days of pre-debut. "Okay."Jungkook said trying to focus back on his work.

"I am just borrowing hyung for a while Kook-aah, I will return him quick!"Namjoon said  flashing his adorable dimpled smile, as he embraced Yoongi in a back hug, his huge frame made Yoongi appear like a small toy, "Jooniee..."Yoongi frowned trying to push him away but was not able to, "Hyung do you want me to carry you? I will do it." Namjoon said excitedly, "You don't have to do anything like that ...  Let's just get your desk done."Yoongi said pushing Namjoon away, who held on Yoongi like an excited child as they walked out of the studio leaving a very much Jealous Jungkook behind. 

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