The Genius in the Genius Lab is actually pretty Dumb!

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I was suppossed to write just 7 parts, but I guess I will be writing more on Requests. 

@bharatvab, You are the reason this book is extended further, so I hope you enjoy it!


Jungkook was outside The Genius Lab,  though it wasn't the same lab as before it still felt just the way it was before- which made him realize that it wasn't the room that made Genius Lab special but the Genius Inside working tirelessly inside was what made it feel like Home!

Jungkook fidgeted around with his rings wondering if he should press the bell or just enter the password! 
Jungkook was there but he didn't really know how he was going to face Yoongi after hurting him. 

He couldn't believe how could he do this to his Hyung, when he knew very well how sensitive Yoongi was, Even when Yoongi said he didn't care at all, Yoongi overthink-ed and had a hard time over small things. Jungkook was well aware of this, cause he could relate to Yoongi as well!

Jungkook stared at the door, remembering what Jin said to him when he went to Yoongi and Jin's room to apologize, but Yoongi had left already. 

"Jungkook-aah! Did you guys fight? Yoongi looked upset, he didn't even have breakfast and just left! You keep on telling us to treat him well, and now you are doing this!" Jin had told him half-jokingly, but Jungkook couldn't help but take the words seriously, hearing the words on a loop in his brain. 

Jungkook sighed looking at the coffee and breakfast he picked up on his way, it was getting cold. He decided just to press the bell finally, trying to frame words for an apology. 

"Ah! Jungkook-ah!"Yoongi looked everywhere but at him opening the door and Jungkook wanted to punch himself for making things awkward, "I got you Breakfast Hyung. Jin hyung said you skipped, so... I thought we could eat together?" Jungkook said holding out food so Yoongi can notice it. 

"You didn't have to..."Yoongi said stepping a bit away from the door, making way for Jungkook to step in. Jungkook quickly rushed in taking the food out, quickly serving it out on the table, he sat on the couch waiting quietly for Yoongi to join him. Jungkook doesn't know if it was Yoongi who moved really slow or it was just him imagining things, but it felt like Yoongi took an eternity to close the door and walk to the table. 

Jungkook wondered if he noticed how Jungkook brought all the snacks Yoongi liked- without missing the exact order of his coffee. Yoongi smiled satisfactorily as he sipped his coffee, and Jungkook knew his hyung wasn't awkward around him anymore, and this was his chance to apologize. 

"Hyung! About what happened in the dorm... I am sorry, I shouldn't have done that."Jungkook bit his lip, "Aniyo... I have been thinking about it Jungkook and Jin Hyung is right, You have grown up and I should... I  must treat you as an Adult. It was my mistake so you don't have to feel bad for it."Yoongi smiled at Jungkook, and Jungkook could feel his heart flutter. 

"I just wanna tell you that every time I see you, I couldn't help but still see the 15-year-old- doe-eyed baby Jungkook, who is our Golden Maknae! So it's a bit hard for me... but Hyung is going to try harder, and make sure that he doesn't hurt your feelings."Yoongi added, which felt like a jab to Jungkook's heart. 

Jungkook was happy that Yoongi knew what he wanted and how he felt but sometimes he wished for Yoongi not to be so straightforward, this was one of those moments. Jungkook managed to smile at Yoongi who was oblivious to what the younger one went through.

Yoongi went back to his work, while Jungkook sat on the couch scribbling his thoughts on his notepad, while he looked at Yoongi working.

Jungkook simply loved the sight of Yoongi working- It amazed Jungkook how Yoongi was able to work tirelessly day and night keeping his focus, Jungkook could read how Yoongi felt all too well after all the time he spent observing him. 

The way his brows went up as he felt stuck with something, the way he bites his nails while listening to output, how he tilted his head, slurping the air in when he felt unsure of something, Jungkook can go on and on

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The way his brows went up as he felt stuck with something, the way he bites his nails while listening to output, how he tilted his head, slurping the air in when he felt unsure of something, Jungkook can go on and on...

The other thing Jungkook couldn't help but be distracted by was Yoongi's hands- Yoongi had a fragile, small frame with really pretty and elegant features- But His Hands were big, veiny, and manly that Jungkook couldn't help but stare at... The way his hands worked on Piano and guitar made Jungkook lose his mind. 

"Jungkook-aah?" the chain of not-so-appropriate thoughts broke as Yoongi called Jungkook out, "Yeah?"Jungkook looked away embarrassed, he was staring at Yoongi the whole time and yet wasn't aware of him calling out, he was sure his face was flushe...

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"Jungkook-aah?" the chain of not-so-appropriate thoughts broke as Yoongi called Jungkook out, "Yeah?"Jungkook looked away embarrassed, he was staring at Yoongi the whole time and yet wasn't aware of him calling out, he was sure his face was flushed as his heart felt like it was on a marathon. 

"Are you okay?"Yoongi asked concerned, Obviously not- Jungkook wanted to scoff but resisted, "yeah... I just zoned out Hyung!"Jungkook shook his head, "What were you thinking about?"Yoongi raised his brow curiously, Oh trust me you wouldn't wanna know- his brain made a quick comment on the question, "Just about... Jimin falling off chairs" Jungkook laughed, which made Yoongi scrunch his nose, and OH GOD HE LOOKED SO CUTE that Jungkook just wanted to kiss him, Jungkook bit his lip hard willing to Stop his brain from wishing the THINGS THAT WERE NOT POSSIBLE.

Jungkook knew Yoongi didn't believe him but he also knew he won't ask him again, Jungkook felt annoyed at how Yoongi remained oblivious while Jimin and Taehyung could sense his feelings from a mile away. 

Jungkook quickly told himself off for having that thought, there was no way he could even wish his secret to be out, even as a joke! 

This is Enough... This is ENOUGH! Jungkook repeated the words like a mantra looking back at Yoongi, who went back to work like nothing happened.

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