No Happy Ending.

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Being in Entertainment Industry has its own perks!

You learn how to mask your true feelings well, even if not fully it was almost ignorable!

Jungkook learned how to mask his feelings on camera as well, It wasn't a problem to hide his feelings anymore! He acted as a professional should! Being around people just made it easier to hide his feelings, He just had to avoid Yoongi and be with other members more. It was almost like an auto-mode!

As he got older, he understood that his Dream and the little wish of his happily ever after didn't go hand in hand at all!

There was no way he could even let the members know about it, things would never go back to normal if his feelings were known by anyone! Jungkook knew what he had to do, he had to live with his little precious secret! He knew he just had to bear with his feelings all alone!

There was no point wondering about how Yoongi-Hyung felt about him, "It's just not meant to be!", was something he told himself again and again, yet it felt like a jab that made his heart bleed every single time.

Jungkook knew he had to change the way he had been going around Yoongi now, It was still hard to control his feelings around Yoongi as his heart simply denied to co-operate, Jungkook was getting older and He knew Yoongi found guys with muscles really cuddly and attractive, knowing he had a type, Jungkook made sure he grows into the person Yoongi will find attractive!

Jungkook was getting older, he couldn't help but stare at Yoongi's lips as he talked, he couldn't help but wonder if their lips would fit each other like a puzzle, or would they need to struggle a bit to kiss? Jungkook hates when Yoongi wears frills, it gets hard not to stare at his Hyung.

Jungkook was getting older, he couldn't help but think about his hyung's love towards being tied up, He couldn't help but think about things He can do to his Hyung, things they can simply do together.

Jungkook is aware he must not be thinking about such things, knowing well how his happy ending was thrown out of the box, Jungkook couldn't help but think if his feelings could be reciprocated? he knew Yoongi wasn't homophobic but was he interested in men? he wanted to know if the man he was head over heels for, had anything for him? Was there any chance for him?

Jungkook remembers how he very cautiously threw the question of one's sexuality in, between the random topics to be discussed among the members, just to be disappointed when Yoongi came out as someone who wasn't interested in romantic relationships right now, as if that wasn't enough it seemed like Jin and Namjoon knew it already, as they nodded their head silently approving.

Yoongi confessed he didn't care about a person's gender nor was really interested in any romantic relationships right now... He just wished for friends he can count on always, he accepted he loved the affection- cuddling and holding hands was something that mentally made him feel validated but he never wanted anything more, from anyone. He was grateful to 6 of them for being there for him!

The boys went on talking about the things, but Jungkook wasn't listening anymore.

Yoongi indeed felt really good letting it off the chest, accepting himself as he was but it made Jungkook lose the hope he was willing to cling on. He regretted throwing in the question, he wished he lived in ignorant bliss, but the damage was done and he knew for sure that there was no chance that Yoongi felt the same way for him as he did for him.

Jungkook groaned as he managed to ruin his whole day once again! 

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