Weird Encounter

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Sayiha's POV:

Thankfully I've made a good friend who is from my old school.Her name is Misty and  she's as sweet as Candy.
She invited me on her birthday though I ain't feel like going.

She'll be mad at me if I don't go and I don't want to lose one and only  friend that I have in college so I agree to join her birthday party.

Misty has almost 100 friends and among them at least 30 are her best friends. It's good that she is  social  but I feel so uncomfortable right now. For a moment I felt like to run away  from this place because it feels so awkward when we are in public and we want to talk but we can't talk because our choices don't match with them.

God how am I gonna survive the rest part  of my college life!

I keep wandering on the living room with a glass of juice in my hand.

Suddenly I  get bumped with the chest of a guy who  was coming from the other side who  has broad shoulders. The  entire universe starts  to  spin making some stars to revolve  round and round  my head. This caused my  juice to slip from my hand SPOILING this guy's shirt.

I can hear a romantic Music with 100 % volume coming from Sound box.
"If it's meant to be it'll be it'll beeeee baby just let it be"

So just now a romantic movie scene happened to you Sayiha Malik. Congrats 😑 you spoiled someone's shirt.

"Oops I'm so sorry ", I apologize

The guy says nothing keeps staring.

I wave at him. "Heyyy bro!!", I ask in order to be sure if he's some sort of statue or anything else.

The guy is tall with wide chest  and black  silky hair. He wears spectacles that are sparkling by the sunlight that entered inside the room throw the window.

Why am I observing him??

Why is he even looking at me like this way.??

So creep.

Both of us.

Misty comes and breaks this awkward silence. Thanks to Misty. That's why I love her more. She's always ready to save me from awkward embarrassing situations.

"Oh nooo look at your shirt Rudy. It got wet totally", says Misty in a sobbing tone.

"Ikr. All because of  me. I'm so sorry brother", I apologize once again.

"First of all Don't call me brother because I'm not your brother", he speaks out.

So he knows how to speak. I thought he is the statue of liberty.

"Secondly YOU messed up everything. How will I go home wearing this wet  shirt??", he yells.

He's literally screaming.

"How strange! Why are you screaming?? It was an accident and this is just juice nothing else" I exclaim.

"Juice juice WHY  would you even throw JUICE on MYyyy shirt??!!!", the guy overreacts.

"I'll hit you hard if you scream one more time", I warn.

"Guys please stop it.. Why are you both fighting for such a silly  reason??", asks Misty.

"Okay I'm sorry girl. I was mad for no reason maybe my brain wasn't working for a while. But you spoiled my  shirt now you will solve the problem", says the guy whose name is probably Rudy.

"Okay come with me I'll take you to my home and I'll wash your million dollar shirt.", I say sarcastically.

Or if he wants I can throw him along with his shirt inside washing machine.

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