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Sayiha's POV :

We are discussing about our hobbies and talents during coffee break. Anna expressed how much proud she gets seeing my paintings and photography. Anna can dance really well. She has a great sense of humor always makes us laugh with her funniest jokes and mimics. Reina doesn't have any talent but she likes to write. Oh she can sleep anywhere anytime.. We consider this as a talent.

Boys said Rudy can sing and play guitar really well. I wonder how cute he looks while singing along with playing guitar.

D.o's talent is that he can lie very confidently without getting caught..Maheer can date multiple girls at the same time. These are their talents according to them. I don't know how these are talents, anyways.

"Why do you like to capture pictures Sayiha?? Explain us", asks Anna in a manner of taking my interview she places a bottle in front of my face imagining the bottle to be mic.

"I take photographs as a return ticket to gone moments", I wisely reply.

"Wowee nice answer. And why do you like to paint ??", asks Anna.

"First I dream of a painting. Then I go ahead and paint my dream.. That's why", I again reply wisely.

"This girl just copied answer from Google", says Rudra rolling his eyes.


"Okay Guys. Now singer Rudy is going to sing a song for us. Rudy boy come to the stage. It's a humble request from us for you to sing a song for us", says Anna. Everyone applauses.

"I'm getting nervous now. I'll sing some other day", says Rudra being hesitated.

"Why?? You were never nervous before", asks Maheer.

"Ouh yeah you know na sayiha is here after all why wont he be nervous", says D.O

"Shut up" yells Rudra.

"What do you mean?? Huh", asks Anna.

This D.O is shipping me with Rudra😑
Just like the way I ship D.O with Anna.

"No nothing actually Rudy feels shy to sing in front of girls. You know they are hella attractive and his heart melts seeing them..
So", explains Maheer.

We 3 girls roll our eyes listening to his stupid explanation.

Then we insist him to sing a song for us Finally he agrees.

He starts singing after clearing his throat.

He brings his guitar and starts playing it.

He starts singing Pillow Talk by Zayn.

He's definitely gonna spoil My Zayn's song now.



I'd love to hold you close
Tonight and Always
I'd love to wake up next to you

So we'll piss off the neighbours
In the place that feels your tears
The place to lose your fears
Yeah reckless beahviour
A place that is so pure
So dirty and raw

Be in the bed all day bed all day
F*cking you fighting on
It's our paradise and it's our war zone...

NO he didn't Spoil at all.

My eyes go wide.

I'm impressed!!

I'm mesmerized!!!

He completes singing and looks at me right after that.

Our eyes meet since I was already staring at him.

His face is glowing for the tinted light.

He is smiling lightly.

In a different manner.

He smiling at me just like the way doctor Mike smiled at Miso.

But that day we were filming..

What now??

Are we still filming for any scene.?

Wait What!! I am confused!

"It was stunning performance!!!!!!!", screams Anna breaking the awkward eye contact between us.

I just enjoyed the way he looked at me today.

I was never this kind of Romance lover Girl!!


What is happening to me Lord knows!

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