- Felons

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This chapter is over eight thousand words. Double of what I normally write. I hope it makes up for two updates :)

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Bleak. Bleak. Bleak.

Bleakness unveils the cunning of an era of my life.

"He's illegitimate. I will never accept him." She's standing solid rock, like a mountain with its cape of dark, dark, dark brooding heavy clouds. Over looking me like I am the greatest sin to ever walk the sands of earth and I cower.

Cower. Cower. Cower.

Limbs are trembling as I hold tight, for dear life at the jeans of the man, a man, a man I'm told is my father.

Father. Father. Father.

But my mind can't register this father. He's not my father. My father is someone else, I live with him. I love him. He loves me. We love each other. And I have a sister, he gave me a sister.

This man's face is not my father.

I want to scream.

Scream. Scream. Scream.

I want to scream, "He's not my father!" I want to cry, "Not. Not. Not. Not." I want yell, "My father lives with my mother. Not here."

But I am six and I've pissed my pants.

Fear. Fear. Fear.

It was the first time ever in my life I'd felt petrified.

It was the first until it became my life.

"He's legitimate. My spawn. My seed. I procreated him. Understand this woman or I divorce you."

The man, the man, the man.

Or is he my father, father, father.

He makes the mountain lady burst to dust.

Hero. Hero. Hero.

He's my hero. Not my father.

My father is not here. He's with my mother. At home.

He stalks towards her, dragging his feet away from my grip. Pushes me aside unintentionally.

It makes him stop midway, turn to look at me.

Not father.

But I'm told he's father.

He's even more furious when he notices my cowardice. Cowardice mountain lady is inflicting on me.

It makes him zip towards her.

"He's very well, very much, the seed I've been waiting for. Wanting. He's better than all you've given me Farida. He's peerless. He will make me proud. Fill me with pride till I burst from it. I know, I can see it. He's mine. More mine than he is Maimuna's. He will remain mine. Forever and ever and ever. Until I've passed. Even after I pass. And I mean it and I swear to you, if you cause him any discomfort, no matter how slight, I will divorce you. He is mine and I am most possessive. You know better Farida."

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