Jalal minded being watched this time. Even if most of the times, he could pass over the pricking sensation at the back of his neck. Few times, the persistence of the watcher—like a growing anthill just under the pores of his skin—would have him tracing the room for who it might be. It was unusual for humans to stare without the feeling of embarrassment. It took a shameless person to do it with resolve.
"There're two of them. Pretty dark-skinned women. The other one and I are having a stare down right now." AJ says with a boasting smile. He was settling down soon.
Jalal would always be grateful to God that at least Asma'u for all her madness, had a sense to have interest in Mahmud out of all his friends.
Mahmud let out a whistle along with a soft laugh, "You will never be decent AJ. Poor Kulthum."
Nuh chocked at that. Mahmud passing him an apologetic glass of water. Impropriety made him uncomfortable and confrontation mortified him. There was something of the solitary about Nuh, a secure quietness he had. He minded his business so he did not respond well to being concerned with that of others out of his own will.
"Let's begin to pity ourselves first. My sister and Amal wouldn't be happy that her friend's husband is somewhat of a player. They would make it our problem."
"I swear to God I'll make you miserable AJ." Mahmud swore.
"Go make someone else miserable. Kulthum knows." The confession is a delicate ripple over the table. A flow of shock and a retreat of doubt.
"I may be a lot of things but I don't lie and I don't cheat people. I have no intention of becoming monogamous. No interest in polygamy. And I've promised her discretion."
This time all three of them nurse a glass of their respective drinks. It was clear that AJ was informing them as a forewarning. A notice. An advance.
"A marriage of convenience." Nuh goes on, "Is as convenient as the fickleness and whims of man."
Mahmud grins, "Too wise my quiet friend. Too wise."
"Good thing I am disciplined." And because AJ can be perverse, he calls a waiter, hands him a card and a note and sends him on an errand to the table of watchers.
"It is only a woman who doesn't love you that agrees to this sort of an arrangement." Jalal thinks back to a time, Barakah Amal's wrathful eyes and then adds, "She doesn't love or hate you."
"Or she's a ninny." Mahmud offers.
"She's indifferent. Wants to be a mother. While I need a wife. I don't really care for children but I can raise a few for hers and my mother's sake. We're friends. Not lovers. Friends. Soon to be friends and partners."
"And if you possibly find love?" Nuh asks.
AJ looks them all in the eyes, "With her? Impossible. With another woman? Then I've found it. And if I want the love so badly, polygamy can become an option. I will always, however, hold my line of commitment to Friends and Partners."
In that weak and shameful moment, they all laugh.
"I'll afford you on last bit of my honesty." Mahmud leans forward, "There's a big probability that this either blows up in your face or you end up miserable."
"Why let us know now? You got together with kulthum the year my daughter was born." Jalal inquires.
"Because I don't like to surprise the people I care for. Marriage has never been something I've aspired for. But I'll bite the bullet to get what I want from it. We've never really courted in the traditional sense and I don't expect you both to understand."

SpiritualitéBarakah Amal had escaped Nigeria shortly after the misfortune of encountering Jalal Jali as a teenager. Years since past and unbeknownst to her, she's reluctantly summoned back to wed the man who had ruined her life to protect her family. ...