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First I needed a species of bees.

So I list a couple

Honey bees
Bumble bees
Carpenter bees

(Yes these are different species. I didn't know that.)

Then I realised I don't know anything about bees so it wouldn't make much of a difference to me

So I decided not to bother with types of bees and just went for honey bees since I think they'd be easiest to do about.

First I draw their habitat and themselves; worker, queen and drone (male bees).

First I draw their habitat and themselves; worker, queen and drone (male bees)

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(Ignore the people doodles I'll get to that)

I drew a wild hive on a poorly drawn tree branch and a domestic hive which is just a bunch of carbord boxes stacked on eachother but we'll ignore that-

I then drew three bees. A worker bee (which, fun fact, is ALWAYS female), a queen bee, and a drone bee (which always die once he's screwed a girl. And this people, is why I'm still a vergin uwu)

Also istg why am I so good at drawing bugs but shit at drawing litterally anything else-

Anyway moving on-

I decide I'm too lazy to look at Pinterest for inspo and just draw.

I came up with this monstrosity.

I came up with this monstrosity

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Wtf is this?

P.s when I first drew it, it's antenna was on its nose- yeah it didn't look good-

s when I first drew it, it's antenna was on its nose- yeah it didn't look good-

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