2: Morning Drive

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After he had found out that she wasn't on her period, he felt bad because she had lied to him but decided to not shout at her. He knew she was a little teenage girl and the fact that marriage had to do with intimacy must have scared her allot. She needed time to understand everything and he would give her that. She was in the shower taking her bath and he was already dressed to go have breakfast in the garden along with her.

In not less than thirty minutes, she was out and dressed in a loss gown that fitted her perfectly, she came out shyly and he smiled at her. "Let's go and have breakfast" He said to her and she nodded. He stretched his hands towards her and she took it and walked alongside him outside the room. The hall was long and filed with a whole lot of paintings and art sculptures which were priceless. She stared at everything in awe and he noticed.

"You like what you see?" He asked and she nodded.

"I drew and sculpted them all" He said and she looked at his face for the first time today. Wow, he had a very beautiful talent and for a king. she wondered how he had the time to draw and sculpt all of this.

"They are beautiful" She complimented it and he smiled.

"Thank you" He said. The palace looked empty which made her wonder if the stories of his three other wives were made up. So she asked immediately they Were comfortably seated in the garden "Where Are your wives?" She asked calmly while staring at the Food before her. It consisted of grapes, Apples, chicken, fish, water melon, coffee, tea and all sort of other delicacies.

"They are at the main palace, this is your palace" He said and she found her mouth wide open. Why did she get a palace of her own, was she special than The rest of the women. She thought but kept it to herself as he picked a grape and fed it to her. She hesitated eating it but the smile on his face made her eat it.

"Your father is the reason why you have a separate palace, he doesn't want you associated with polygamy" He answered the question lingering in her heart. Her eyes asked allot and he knew it was for why she was kept separate from others.

"Oh" She said while chewing on the apple he had fed her.

"But every Friday, you will dine with them and even sleep in your own room in the main palace" He said. She didn't know wether to be happy about meeting her co wives but she forced the fakest smile of her life and nodded.

"I can't wait for you to meet Jannah and Fatima" He said with great happiness in his voice.

"Are they your wives?" She found herself asking because she found no excitement with wanting to meet his wives.

"No, They are my children" he smiled at her while he fed himself a cup of hot coffee.

"Oh" she exclaimed. She never knew he had kids, in fact his google info does not show him as a father but just a king with three unknown wives. But now it was four and she was the only known wife of his because she was the presidents daughter.

"I'm full your highness" She said after being fed allot of bananas and water melon. He smiled and stood to his feet, "Lets go for a drive then" He stretched his hand towards hers when he stood on his feet. She took it and stood up to her feet. They both walked to his car where they sat and awaited for the driver and the other cars to arrive. They were going to be escorted by convoys. She felt like there was no need to be followed by convoys because wasn't it just a drive after all. She frowned a little and he noticed it. oh, how she hated being followed by convoys and bodyguards. She had always hopped to marry a man who was a nobody, her dream was to marry a doctor or even a normal lawyer. She hated publicity and this marriage came with allot.

They alighted in front of an Ice cream parlor. He made a call an ordered the guards to make everyone leave the shop, he wanted it all to him and Oman.  He was trying his best to make her happy knowing she wasn't, she wanted out of his life and all the chaos that may come with it. Being a Queen was not going to be easy and she was in no way ready for all the trials and tribulations.

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