18: Sorrow, Prayers 2

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Malik sat in his dimly lit room, his body hunched over, shoulders trembling with silent sobs. The weight of loss settled heavily on his heart, and tears streamed down his face unchecked. The room smelled faintly of the funeral incense that still lingered in the air, a constant reminder of the void his grandmother's departure had left behind.

As the sound of footsteps approached the room, Malik glanced up to see Oman, entering slowly. Her eyes were filled with concern, her face etched with grief, mirroring his own. She approached him tentatively, her hand reaching out to touch his arm, seeking solace in their shared pain.

But as Oman's touch made contact, Malik recoiled. He jerked his arm away from her grasp, his eyes locking with hers for a fleeting moment before he turned away, refusing to meet her gaze. His grief had overwhelmed him, blinding him to the comfort his wife was trying to offer.

Oman's hand fell back to her side, her expression transforming into one of confusion and hurt. She couldn't understand why Malik was pushing her away at a time when they needed each other the most.

"Malik," she said softly, her voice tinged with concern. "Please, talk to me. I'm here for you."

Malik remained silent, his face buried in his hands. He couldn't bring himself to speak, unable to articulate the deep pain and anguish that coursed through his veins. Instead, he sat motionless, drowning in his grief, with only the sound of his own ragged breathing breaking the silence of the room.

Oman took a step closer, her voice trembling slightly as she finally found the courage to speak again. "Malik, I'm so sorry. I know how much your grandmother meant to you. I loved her too, and I'll miss her dearly."

Finally, Malik's head jerked up, his bloodshot eyes locking onto Oman's tear-streaked face. His voice cracked with anguish as he uttered the words that had been festering in his heart. "Oman, did you read the label or the instructions on the medicine you gave Grandma? The doctor told me it was the wrong medication, and it caused her to have a heart attack. How could you be so careless?" He said, Oman had informed him earlier that Gwagoo had taken the medication given by her.

Oman recoiled as if she had been slapped, the accusation cutting through her like a knife. Her eyes widened in realization, and a mix of shock and guilt washed over her features. She had been responsible for administering her grandmother-in-law's medication, and now Malik was blaming her for her untimely death.

Tears streamed down Oman's face as she stumbled backward, her voice choked with emotion. "Malik, I... I didn't know. I didn't mean for this to happen. I didn't think to double-check. I should have been more careful, more vigilant. I can't believe I made such a grave mistake."

Malik's anger simmered, mixed with a deep sorrow that threatened to consume him. His voice softened, but his words were filled with a bitter pain. "She trusted you, Oman. I trusted you. And now she's gone because of a mistake that could have been avoided. I can't comprehend how something like this happened."

Oman sank to her knees, the weight of her mistake pressing down on her like a heavy burden. She reached out, her hand trembling, but Malik pulled away once again, his grief and anger intermingling. He felt a gaping hole in his heart, and in that moment, he couldn't find solace in the presence of the woman he loved.

The room remained shrouded in silence, broken only by their ragged breaths and the soft sobs that echoed through the air. Grief had torn a rift between them, exposing their vulnerabilities and testing the strength of their relationship. It was a wound that would take time to heal, a wound that would forever remind them of the fragility of life and the consequences of their actions.


Oman sat alone in the palace garden, surrounded by the moonlit beauty of the night. The garden, once a place of solace and tranquility for her, now felt heavy with regret. The scent of blooming flowers mingled with her tears as they fell freely, unchecked and filled with sorrow.

She clutched her chest, feeling the weight of her mistake pressing down on her like an insurmountable burden. The thought of Malik's pain and anger pierced her heart, and she couldn't help but replay the accusation in her mind. She had let down the woman who had been like a mother to Malik, and she had let down Malik himself.

Lost in her grief and self-recrimination, Oman didn't notice Faisal's approach until he was right beside her. His presence startled her, and she quickly wiped away her tears, attempting to regain composure.

"Faisal," she managed to choke out between sobs, "I don't know how I could have been so careless. I caused Gwagoo's death. Malik will never forgive me. She was his only family aside from Kauthar, and now she's gone because of me."

Oman's trembling hands reached out towards Faisal, yearning for his comforting embrace. But as her fingertips brushed against his arm, the weight of her commitment and the teachings of her faith washed over her. She pulled away abruptly, her face filled with guilt and conflict.

"I'm sorry, Faisal," Oman whispered, her voice quivering.

"It's okay Oman. Please know that I am here for you, even if it's from a distance." He said softly.

Oman took a deep breath, grateful for Faisal's understanding. "Thank you, Faisal. I just... I don't know how to face Malik after what I've done. I can't bear the thought of losing him."

"Oman, you are not alone in this. We all loved Gwagoo, and we are all mourning her loss. We know the depth of your regret, and I believe Malik will come to understand that too because you didn't kill her, you simply gave her a medication at the wrong time. You must give him time to heal and to process his grief. It won't be easy, but love has a way of mending even the deepest wounds."

Oman's eyes welled up with tears once more, her voice filled with anguish. "What if he never forgives me? What if I lose him too? I can't bear to lose the man I love, Faisal. I can't bear to lose everything."

"Oman, I cannot predict the future, but I do know that love is resilient. It has the power to transcend even the darkest moments. Have faith in your love for Malik and in his love for you. It may take time, but wounds can heal, and hearts can find forgiveness."

Oman nodded, a mix of sorrow and determination etched on her face. She knew she had to respect the boundaries of her marriage and her faith, but that didn't mean she couldn't find solace in her friendship with Faisal. They sat side by side in the garden, their hearts intertwined in sorrow, supporting each other from a respectful distance.

As the moon continued to cast its ethereal glow over the garden, Oman leaned on Faisal's unwavering friendship, finding solace in his presence and drawing strength from their shared bond.

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