17: Sorrows, Prayers!

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The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm golden glow over the courtyard of the grand mansion where Hameedah and Nafeesat sat. The gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the surrounding trees, as if joining in their moment of quiet celebration. The two women sat on a cushioned bench, a sense of relief radiating from their expressions.

Hameedah couldn't help but wear a small smile as she turned to Nafeesat, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "Alhamdulillah, Nafeesat. Malik didn't say a word about what we did to Oman."

Nafeesat's eyes sparkled with a mix of joy and triumph. "Indeed, Hameedah! It's as if he doesn't suspect a thing. All our efforts to protect our secret have paid off. We've managed to keep our actions hidden from Malik"

Hameedah nodded, her gaze fixed on the courtyard. "I'm relieved. I didn't know what we would do if he found out. The consequences could have been dire for both of us."

Nafeesat let out a long sigh, her face clouded with a hint of frustration. "You know what bothers me the most, Hameedah? It's not just that we tried to hurt Oman, but it's how Malik is so blind to our pain. He showers her with love, while we, his wives as well, are left to suffer."

Hameedah's brows furrowed, understanding the depth of Nafeesat's resentment. "I know exactly what you mean. It's as if he's forgotten about us. Oman has become his whole world, and we're left on the periphery. It hurts, Nafeesat. It truly does."

Nafeesat's voice trembled with a mix of anger and hurt. "We've been there for him through thick and thin. We've given him our love, our loyalty, and what do we get in return? Neglect. Indifference. It's unfair."

Hameedah reached out and placed a comforting hand on Nafeesat's shoulder. "I feel your pain, sister. We deserve better. We deserve his attention, his love, and his devotion. We've sacrificed so much for him, and it seems he's forgotten that."

Nafeesat leaned into Hameedah's touch, seeking solace in their shared understanding. "Yes, Hameedah, we deserve to be cherished. We shouldn't have to watch Oman bask in Malik's affection while we remain ignored. We need to make him realize what he's been neglecting."

Hameedah nodded, determination flickering in her eyes. "You're right, Nafeesat. We can't continue like this. We must find a way to remind Malik of our worth, to make him see the love we have for him and the pain he's caused us."

As they sat there, lost in their thoughts, the slow pace of their conversation mirrored their resolve to reclaim their rightful place in Malik's heart. In that moment, a silent understanding formed between them, a bond strengthened by shared pain and the determination to change their fate.

Little did they know that their path would be fraught with challenges, and their actions would unravel a web of secrets that could potentially shatter their world. But for now, in the serenity of the courtyard, they reveled in the strength they found in one another, ready to face whatever lay ahead, and reclaim the love they so desperately sought.


Chapter 7: The Playful Teasing

Safeeya sat on a park bench, waiting for Faisal to join her. They had agreed to meet and catch up on their lives, as they often did. Safeeya noticed Faisal walking toward her with a smile on his face, and as he sat down, she couldn't help but let her curiosity take over.

"You know, Faisal," Safeeya began, trying to keep her tone light, "I've been wondering something for a while now."

Faisal raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Safeeya's mysterious introduction. "What's that?" he asked, his eyes twinkling with curiosity.

"Why is it that you're always hanging out with Oman and Kauthar?" Safeeya asked, giving him a mischievous grin. "It seems like you two are inseparable lately."

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