Chapter 5

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"Well Charlie, if you must know. I happen to be the only child. I grew up in Pittsburgh, Pa. My dads a lawyer and my moms a Pediatrician, so you could say I was brought up with anything I'd wished. My uncle has lived down here for a while now, so every summer we'd come down and visit. Well one summer we bought a beach house down here. It's not too far from this dock. Anyways, last school year my parents announced that I'd start my senior year at Brookmont High School. My grandparents are getting to be in their 70s and my parents wanted to be closer to them. It's my moms parents. My dads live in Denver. Totally opposite huh?" He smiled. "What made you start smoking?" I pried. "Oh. Uh, I guess my old friends. Being the only child with parents that were always gone led me to hanging out with wrong people. At one point I did a lot of things I'd wished I hadn't done looking back. I got rid of my addictions except for this one. It stuck with me. Now that I'm 18 I can legally buy my own cigarettes without having to get my older friends to get them. Or when I was younger, their siblings. I started smoking at 15." He chuckled and then continued. "That was the least of my problems. I don't know, I just feel kinda embarrassed now." I reached and securely tangled his hand in mine. "Don't. I've had it pretty bad too." I then proceeded to go on about West. "You know, I think we could be good friends, Charlie Marie." "I do agree Justin Wayde."

*2 weeks later*
It was almost like he's been here my entire life. His mad existence overwhelming me for years now. But, he hasn't. It hasn't. He's been here for two weeks.
His laughter brings me out of my consuming thoughts. "You know Charlie was such a diva when she was younger. She refused to wear certain clothes and she throw her hands on her hips and toss her hair around, she was 3 in this picture!" My mother gushes to Justin. She's so excited that she has someone to share these with. The precious moments of Charlie Marie before she was grown. Justin looks over at me nose crinkled up and a flashy smile on his face. "What a cutie pie!" He winks at me. "Shut up." I laugh and push him. "Who's that guy?" Justin points to my father holding me as a newborn baby in the hospital. "That's the man who brought me to my mom." I replied carefully. "You mean your dad?" Justin asked raising an eyebrow. "NO. That pathetic asshole is not my father. He's the lowest piece of shit there is-" "CHARLIE. ENOUGH." My mom interrupted me. She ran her hands through her hair and exhaled slowly. "His name is Mike Richards. I met him down here after I got my job at Dr. Dwights office. I guess guys weren't my first priority when I moved down here from Albany. He was living in the same apartment complex as me. The day I was moving in he helped me. We hit it off. He was cute, smart, funny, and kind. 8 months later I was 23 and pregnant. We had a shotgun wedding, bought this house and were expecting charlie. It was all thrown together, but we were happy for a little while. And then one day he started 'working late' and Charlie was only 2 1/2 months old. It was hard trying to raise a baby and work when Mike wasn't home to help. He came home really late one night and he got in the shower. He left his phone by the bed. Back then we didn't have iPhones. It buzzed and I read his text. 'Hey babe. I had a great time tonight! I miss you already :( Can't wait to see you tomorrow. Maybe one day you can stay over. Love you!!!! Kate ;)' I was devastated. He not only cheated on me, but he failed Charlie and I. After that was a blur. He got out of the shower. I confronted him, he packed his things and the next morning he was gone. He smashed his phone in the driveway, peeled out and that was the last time I saw him. I got a call from his divorce lawyer. He got a good one, so it was quick and painless for him. I told him over the phone that I didn't want child support. He agreed and started a new life with his Kate. He changed his number and we lost all contact with him." She looked over at me and grabbed my hand. "Please don't hate him Charlie. He brought me you. You don't know him, he could be a great father now." Why does she stick up for him? "A great father?! I don't give a shit how he is now! He doesn't bother to pay any attention to his first kid!" I stood up from the couch and walked out onto our porch. "You okay?" Justin wrapped his arms around me. He's never done this. We haven't done any of this. "J-Justin, what are y-you doing?" The past two weeks have been what friends do. We've hung out, made jokes and sat until 3 a.m. laughing in a drunken stupor. I turned to face him. Inches apart, staring into each other's eyes. I wanted to laugh and brush it off, but I knew it was way more than this. The Justin I knew was becoming so much more. My heart was in my throat, I was practically ready to vomit it up. Why was I so nervous?!! I'd kissed my fair share of guys before! It felt like hours standing in that awkward silence wanting so much. I blushed and bit my lip. Looking back into his eyes he leaned in. Justin Wayde, the gorgeous guy I've been lucky to call my best friend for the past two weeks is about to become my lover. Oh my god and his lips. I couldn't wait, my heart was about to fly out of my chest and become a butterfly. I slowly closed my eyes. Wait for it. Where's his lips?!
Slowly I felt the silkiness of his soft, red lips. My subconscious was doing back flips. It felt so different than a normal kiss from a normal guy, but this was wasn't any guy. I kissed him back exploring his tongue. I wanted this. Him. Us. He put one hand on my lower back and the other on my cheek, bringing me closer to him. I slid my hand onto his chest and the other into his hair. "May I take you to meet my parents this Monday night for dinner?" Justin asked after a little while of making out. "Yes you may! I'd love to meet your parents."
*monday evening*
I spent all day looking for the appropriate outfit to wear to Justin's home. I decided on a navy knee high sundress with a Jean jacket. After curling my hair, I put on my makeup and slipped on Sperrys. I'd never been so nervous to meet someone's parents before. "Charlie! Justin's here!" Walking out into the foyer I saw Justin at the door laughing with my mom. "Wow Char, you look gorgeous!" Justin said. I flushed and thanked him. He walked me out to his 2007 Black lifted Chevy Silverado. "I'm really nervous to meet your parents," I confessed as we pulled out of my driveway and onto the road. "Don't be, they'll love you!" A few minutes later we pulled into Duck Hunt Club Lane. We stopped at a fairly large home right on the beach. It was a three story pale yellow home with tons of windows. It had balconies all around the back and red steps that led to a red glass door. "You're It's stunning!" I gawked in amazement. He opened my door and took my hand. "You ready?" He asked. I nodded nervously. "Justin! Is that you?" His mother said sweetly from another room. It was beautiful. Cherry Wood floors, a wrap around stair case that led to the second floor, expensive chairs and a bookshelf filled the living room. There was a 75 inch flat screen in the family room along with a pole table and a comfy huge brown couch. We walked into the kitchen where his parents were standing preparing dinner. His mother was gorgeous. She had short brown hair, green eyes and a pearly smile. His father was tall with Black hair and Aqua eyes. "This must be Charlie!!! Hello darling, I'm Marie and this is my husband John. We are so pleased to finally meet you!" Justin's mom rushed over and hugged me. "Hello Charlie, very nice to meet you." John said shaking my hand. She was so friendly probably because being a pediatrician meant you had to be outgoing, but John was so proper. So formal. Friendly, but quiet kind of like Justin.
We had salad for a starter, lasagna as the main course, and for dessert brownies. It was all homemade and delicious. "This is amazing Mrs. Wayde!" She smiled. "Thank you sweetheart, but please call me Marie," I nodded and helped her carry the dishes out to the sink. They had dark granite countertops with black cupboards. "Your house is simply stunning!" I gushed. "It's new and expensive so it should be," she chuckled. "Thank you Charlie." "No problem I always do the dishes at home." I blushed. "No, for making Justin so happy. We've heard so much about you! I'm so glad he's found someone!" She crinkled her nose up and beamed. I wanted to tell him how much I'd loved him, but I guess I was waiting for the same in return.

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