Chapter 2

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"Shut up, god damn!" I yelled at my alarm clock on my phone. Turning it off I slug to the bathroom, which seemed extremely far away at the moment. To keep myself from killing someone I kept repeating "it's the last day of school," over and over. As soon as I got into the shower and turned on the hot water, my mom decided to knock on the door. "Oh my god, I swear to god I can't have 2 minutes of privacy," I said beneath my breath. "Babe is the door unlocked because I need to borrow your comb," my mom yelled through the door. "Yes mom it is," I said pissed off.


School isn't entirely as bad as they make it seem, in fact I don't think it's the class that is necessarily boring, but more so the teacher. Brookmont High School is the definition of stuck up. Pretty much everyone there is infatuated with Derek Tyler, the cliché mighty football player. To be honest, I've never been attracted to dumbasses with huge egos. "Charlie, hello Charlie-" snapping out of thought I find my best friend, Kat, at my locker with her arms folded and giving me a smirk. "What are you thinking about Charlie Marie? Must be something important since you've been zoned out for the past 5 minutes," I grinned "Oh I was just thinking about the gorgeous Derek Tyler, oh my god he's so perfect like I can't even!" I squealed and flailed my arms. "Good reenactment of every girl in our school, but I wouldn't buy that shit talk from you any day," Kat laughed and we walked to English. "Alright class, let's be quiet for a moment I have an announcement to make!" Mrs. Darrel screeched in her high pitch voice. "You have an assignment for over the summer," she continued "everyone please come back in one piece and I pray none of you make any irrational decisions," she smiled widely and let us talk again. I would be a Senior next year which meant, this summer would be hell trying to find reasonable colleges with my mom.


Getting out of bed at noon felt so good and I was really getting used to summer. Walking into the kitchen, I found my mom sitting at the table. "Maybe instead of sleeping all of the time, you could indulge yourself in something," she looked up at me with a stare. "Ooooh mom maybe I'll fall in love and then everything will be perfect and we'll get married and have tons of babies," I smirked sarcastically at her. She glared at me and I decided to go for a walk to leave her alone. I grabbed my phone and put on Toms and left. The only good thing about living in the Outer Banks was the ocean, I could stare at it all day. I hated how so many people would infest the beach like a swarm of bees, so I would always go to this little boating dock. Nobody ever really came here so I could think alone. I pulled out a cigarette and lit it. Sucking in, I could feel the Nicotine rush into my veins. "Mind if I join you?" A voice said making me jump and drop my cigarette into the ocean. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you," I turned to find a tall boy. "You didn't scare me, you made me jump there's a fine difference," I promptly pulled out another cigarette, lit it and popped it into my mouth. The boy just stood there smiling. I looked back at him "can I help you?" "Yeah, actually, do you have a lighter I kind of need one," the boy shrugged his shoulders and smirked holding a cigarette in his hand. "I obviously have one if I just put one in," I tossed the lighter to him. "The name's Justin, Justin Wayde," he said exhaling the smoke. "Well Justin Wayde, I am Charlie." Justin got closer and leaned up against the railing by me. "Nice to meet you, Charlie," he took another inhale in. "How did you know about this boating dock? No one ever comes here unless they own a boat," I chuckled and looked at him. He looked to be about 6'4" and had dark brown hair and almost aqua colored eyes. His jaw line stood out very well and he looked very fit. He looked back at me. "My uncle owns a boat here and we always used to come down here in the summer, well my parents decided it would be a good idea to move back here so they could take care of my grandparents. I got bored at home and went for a walk down here to see what it looked like, since I hadn't seen it for so long and I met you," Justin smiled which made me blush for some odd reason. I quickly turned away so he wouldn't notice. "Oh cool, this town isn't that great to be honest," I crushed the bud of my cigarette and tossed it behind me. He nodded staring at the boats across from us. After about 15 minutes of silence he spoke. "Charlie, you are very fascinating," "extremely," I said sneeringly. "Most girls-" he paused in thought "most girls would've acted so differently, but not you." I didn't know what to say, which normally was never a problem for me. The ringing of his phone interrupted the silence. "Hello?" "Yeah I will, okay bye," Justin hung up the phone and smiled at me. "Can you meet me here tomorrow at 12 Charlie?" I nodded. "Okay then," he said waving and trotting back in the direction he came from. For the first time in a long time, I had butterflies and couldn't wait to see him again.

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