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chapter 13.
spring break

WHEN SPRING BREAK started, Reagan stared out at the empty quad from her dorm window on the fifth floor. Both Molly and Kate had gone back home for the break, leaving Reagan to retreat back into her quiet shell.

Part of her was happy to have the silence. The other part had no idea what to do with it.

Shaking her head clear of those dusted thoughts, Reagan grabbed a book and started reading, only to get bored quickly. She had already read this book twice.

Reagan's thoughts wandered.

As she stared at the words that floated past her eyes, she wondered if Asher had gone home as well.

And then she wondered why she was wondering that.

For the past few weeks, Asher had filled the silence in her library weekends. She hadn't even realized it was gone until it came back. It was spring break, and she was alone again.

The next day, Reagan decided to go to the library to get a new book. After scouring the shelves for an hour or so, she found a new poetry collection she hadn't read before. Flipping through the pages on her way out, she was stopped when a figure stepped into her path.


Reagan looked up to see Asher's friendly smile.

"Hello," she said, closing the book.

"I dropped by to look for you," he said. "Didn't expect to actually find you here."

She held up her book, "I needed something new to read."

He tilted his head to skim the title, before looking back at her. "You're not going home for the break?"

She shook her head.

"Me neither," he said with a stretch as he folded his hands behind his head. "Jayden left yesterday. It's going to be so boring around here."

His voice echoed down the vacant hallways. The library was mostly empty during the break.

Reagan nodded and walked past him to exit the library. He trailed behind her, yawning slightly.

"Aren't you going to miss Molly?"

"Sure," Reagan said simply.

He peeked at her, "That's it? Aren't you best friends?"

"I'll see her in a week."

Asher hummed, and after a slight pause, he said, "I'd miss you if I couldn't see you for a week."

It was a good thing he was walking behind her, otherwise he'd have seen the slight hitch in her breathing at his words.

"Your turn," he piped, as they turned the corner to the park.

"For what?"

"I told you a secret, now you have to tell me one."

"That was your secret?"


"That's pretty lame."

He pouted as he fell into step beside her, "Then you tell me a lame secret, too."

"I don't have any secrets," Reagan said.

"Sure you do. Everyone has secrets."

"Well, secrets aren't meant to be told."

He rolled his eyes in frustration, "Reagan."

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