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A quinjet arrived and took Doctor Attenborough, a few of his interns, and I the rest of the way to Madagascar.

Doctor Attenborough said it would've taken over a month to sail there. Flying took less than two days. When we landed, a helicopter was there to take us to the new boat.

"Home sweet home," the Doctor said as the helicopter flew off.

"Well, for the next month and a half anyway," he added.

He hiked his bag higher up his shoulder, "Anyway, I'll show you to your rooms, and this isn't the most spacious boat, so there will be two to a room. Clarissa and Rachel, you'll be bunking together. Dalton and Henry, you'll be bunking together. Syrena you'll be with me," Attenborough announced as we started down a small flight of steps to get under the deck.

It didn't take very long to get everyone to their rooms. They were all next to each other.

Attenborough and I's room was beside Clarissa and Rachel's room.

"Once everyone's settled in, come meet me in Syrena and I's room. We'll discuss how we're going to get started with everything," Attenborough announced before he disappeared into our room.

I followed him.

He sat down on a bed with a heavy sigh.

I sat down on the bed opposite of him.

The room was small, there were two beds on either side of the room and a desk between the two on the far wall.

I put my bag on the bed. "When can I get in the water?" I asked him.

He laughed, "We need to get settled and come up with a plan first, maybe tomorrow," he answered.

We sat there in silence for a few moments, "Do you know what else is in these waters?" The Doctor asked.

I shook my head, he got up from the bed and started digging through his bag. He brought out another leather bound journal, this one was older looking than the last. He sat beside me before opening the book. There were various photos and descriptions of a different fish on each page.

"I made this last time I was here, a good portion of everything that's common and uncommon should be in here," he informed as he flipped through a few of the pages.

He then handed the book to me, "Here, you can borrow it to get ready for tomorrow," he said.

I brought my legs up beneath me to sit cross legged before I opened the book and started to read, albeit slowly but surely.

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