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I heard the whistle blow again after about an hour. I had to go up whenever the whistle was blown, harsh punishment was promised otherwise.

I hesitantly swam to the surface, but I put myself at the opposite side of the glass barrier, against the far wall.

"She looks scared," I heard a girl say when I focused on them.

They were blurry, most figures were when they weren't in water.

They all had guns drawn, "Can you talk?" the older man asked.

I blinked at him and shrank deeper into the water.

"Look how pale she is..." I heard the man I'd pulled in say.

I made up my mind, making a move to dive into the water, much like a whale would.

I barely contained a panicked cry when two shots rang through the air. A sharp pain went through my tail. I quickly swam back to the bottom before investigating the wounds.

One was a hole, pouring blood. The other was a small syringe. A small empty syringe, I realized with panicked thoughts.

I pulled it out and moved to the corner of my pool, still at the hard concrete bottom before the darkness took over my senses a few minutes later.
I woke up in a different pool, this one wasn't nearly as dark, or as deep as the other one. It was bigger though, much more colorful too.

I swam around, enjoying the color and lights; as well as no cameras I could see.

I heard a door open, I moved to the bottom of the pool and as far away from the door as possible on pure instinct.

I looked up through the water to see who'd entered. It was a black man with an eyepatch.

I was uncomfortable, mainly because he could see me. I remained where I was until the man blew a whistle.

I didn't move for a few moments before I hesitantly poked my head above the water.

"You tried to drown one of my agents," he stated in a monotone voice.

He wasn't Strucker or Pierce... Did I try to kill someone from a different agency?

I tilted my head at him, he took one of my food bars out of his pocket, "You eat these," he stated in the same tone.

I stared at the food.

He tossed into the water and turned around to leave.

I'd eaten the bar before he made the short treck to the door.
"Stark, I need you to develop a new room in your facility. A large one."

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