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I had gone back to sleep in my cave after he left.

After I woke up in the morning, I swam around the depths of my home, Sun was in a cave with her head peering out watching me.

One of the stingrays that inhabited my home with me. This one was a light brown and had bright blue spots all over it. He was very pretty.

Movement caught my attention from the window of the depths, I swam towards it.

Pietro was standing on the other side of the glass. He gave me a wave.

I waved back. The ray glided over my tail. I held my hand out and watched as the ray glided under my fingertips.

Pietro watched me for a few moments before taking a seat in one of the big chairs near the window.

He pulled out a book and opened it before starting to read.

I stared at him for a few moments before I continued to swim around.
Pietro continued to read his book for about an hour or so.

It gave me time to think about how I would introduce my new ability to speak. Should I just go ahead and speak? Should I wait for a good moment to speak? What if my voice sounded stupid?

I then decided I would wait to see what I sounded like before trying it out in front of other people.

For all I knew, Loki could've made me sound like that stupid cartoon bird with the webbed feet and blue shirt...

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