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Apparently the time we were supposed to leave in two days.

I didn't have anything to pack though, but Steve came in the day before to give me a bikini top. It was very similiar in color to my tail and he helped me tie it. It felt weird, but he told me I had to wear it if I was going to go to the island. It was a small price to pay for getting to go out.

The day of the trip, Steve came in wearing swim trunks and one of his exercise shirts. "Syrena, you ready to go?" Steve called as he neared the edge of the water.

I moved from where I was floating in the center of the deeper section and started moving over to him.

Sun was trying to follow suit. I was a bit sad I would have to leave her here...

Steve leaned down and put his hands on mine, pulling me out of the water and dragged me out of the water.

The concrete around me changed to a few tones darker from the water, "You ready?" Steve asked as he helped me sit up.

I nodded my head.

Steve put his hands around my middle before hauling me up and over his shoulder. "Let's get to the jet," Steve told me as he started heading to the jet that was parked in the clearing between my building and the main one.

It took Steve a few minutes to get to the jet.

"About time Cap," Tony called.

Steve sighed and walked up the ramp and onto the jet.

There was a large tank taking up one of the walls, Steve walked up two steps before plopping me inside with a splash. Water fell onto the floor as I resurfaced to look around.

Pietro moved in front of my tank, "Is the water okay?" Pietro asked as he replaced Steve on the steps.

I nodded my head, 'Y-E-S,' I signed to him before Clint took the jet off the ground.

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