1 - secrets

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"DAMN USELESS BRAT GET DOWN HERE!", the old man's voice sent shivers on her spine as she immediately went down still enduring her old bruises. "Yes sir", she says as she meets his drunken state. Fear immediately was radiating all over her as she knew what was already coming.

"WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT PREPARING MY FOOD!", he grabs the collar of her shirt and raises her up. "I'm s-sorry I was-", she was met with a slap on her face that made her wince in pain as tears started to stream down her face. "DONT TALK BACK TO ME", he yells as he throws her down the floor.

She coughs out in pain as her whole body started to get sore. "YOU. USELESS. KID.", he says kicking her every word he uttered. Jirou just endured all of it as she was on the floor. "LEARN HOW TO RESPECT ME WHILE YOURE UNDER MY ROOF", he says pointing down at her.

"Yes sir", she answers quietly. Her uncle finally left her alone as she stood up clutching her stomach. Pain was all she could feel all over her body but she can't do anything about it. She walked to her room and collapsed as she closed the door. She was so tired.

Her parents died a few months ago and she's been by her uncle all this time. The beatings only started when her uncle started to drink and he's been spatting nothing but for the younger girl to be thankful that he's even accepted her to live with him.

She tries standing up and walked to her bathroom to wash up. She went to the mirror and checked her cheeks. That's gonna bruise, she thought. A sigh escaped her mouth, she needed to cover that somehow. He never hits her on the face just to keep people from questioning her too.

Somehow today he forgot about it and just went for her cheek. Jirou winced in pain as she tried to wipe cold water over it. She has school tomorrow and she didn't want her friends to worry for her about this. Afterall she's been so good at hiding it from them since then.

After taking a shower with the water running through her wounds she was feeling hopeless everyday. Getting herself to change, she went to her bed and closes her eyes to get some decent sleep. Tomorrow's another day.


Opening her eyes almost as if muscle memory she doesn't need an alarm to wake up for school. She got ready and then almost forgot about the bruise on her cheek from yesterday, she saw it on the mirror when she was brushing her teeth tho. "Shit", she cursed under her breath as she tried to find something to cover it but she doesn't own any make up of sorts.

She looks at the time and realized she had to hurry. "Fuck this I'll just think of a dumb reason on why this happened", she says as she grabbed her bag. Slowly walking out of her room and towards the door. Her uncle was passed out drunk in the living room. It's still early to go to school she still has an hour to spare.

She just doesn't want to meet his uncle in the morning so she leaves early. She's been doing this ever since. Quietly she opens the front door and closes it, not making any noise that could wake her uncle up. Last time she made a mistake of accidentally making a sound and she got a kick from him. She didn't want that.

As much as possible she's trying to get through the day with less beatings from him. She's never used her quirk on him, not because she doesn't want to protect herself. She just doesn't want to hurt him after all it's not what heroes do. Sometimes it does gets to her that she should just leave but at the same time she has nowhere to go.

She got to school and it was still empty and silent. She always loved this kind of scenery. Only the birds and the wind is going through her ears. She enjoyed it. She walked to her building and into her room. Of course no one was still there even Iida doesn't get there early.

She went to her seat and plugged her earjacks to her phone to listen to some music. To pass the time she also went to take a nap while she's alone. Thirty minutes before the time she woke up hearing some students finally walking through the hallways.

Not long before Iida came in and greeted her. "Damn it you got here first again Jirou-san", he said doing his thing with his hand which made Jirou lets out a small laugh. "Goodmorning to you too Iida-kun", she says. Thankfully since he didn't get too close, he didn't notice the bruise on her cheeks.

He walked to his seat and sat silently. Soon enough her classmates started to flood in. "Jirou!!!", Kaminari waves at her from the door that the girl just playfully rolled her eyes. "Oy! That's disrespectful wave back at me", he says stomping towards her like a kid. "Stop it Kaminari leave her alone", Kirishima walks in. "Goodmorning Jirou-san", he says as he walks to his seat behind hers. "Goodmorning", the small girl smiles at him while hoping they also don't notice what was on her cheek.

She's always at ease when she's at school. Her friends mostly keeps her sane from what she's experiencing back home, if that was even home.

Soon Mr. Aizawa walked in and the class finally started. Jirou was thankful that they weren't doing any physical activities today so she doesnt have to deal with training. Lunch came and she planned on just staying on her seat to sleep. She didn't have any money to buy herself some food so might as well just sleep it off.

When she felt a hand on her back. "Jirou-chan do you wanna join the girls to eat lunch?", The vice president says with her usual bubbly smile. The other girls were already standing beside her as if waiting for her to say yes. "Uhh..", she trails off thinking of something to not go. "I left my lunch money at home so I can't really buy anything", she says silently.

"Oh that's fine it's my treat", Yaoyorozu says genuinely. Jirou knew she wasn't gonna be left alone so she just nodded and went with them. "Eeeee I'm glad you came", Mina says as she started to cling on her. Subtlely she winces in slight pain because of the contact against her bruises.

She didn't want anyone to know tho so she was trying her best to act fine. When they got to the cafeteria, they went to buy the food they each wanted to eat and ofcourse Yaoyorozu treating the younger girl.

When they got their food they went ahead and find themselves a table to sit on. Jirou was sat beside Yaoyorozu as the taller girl's heart was racing for sitting beside the girl she likes. She liked her for awhile now but she didn't really say anything about it.

While she was taking glances at the smaller girl beside her she noticed something. Her hand immediately went to Jirou's cheek and caressed it gently. The smaller girl suddenly jolts and winces in pain. "What happened to your cheek?", worry was laced around her voice as Jirou's eyes slightly widened.

"O-oh I tripped at home last night", she immediately creates off a lie. The other girls looked at each other with concern and knows she was lying. "Are you sure?", Uraraka asks as Jirou looked at her with that usual smile that everyone has seen. "Don't worry about me I was just clumsy", she says rubbing the back of her head.

"You need to be careful next time kero", Tsuyu says as Jirou nodded. Yaoyorozu was quiet and was thinking of what could've actually happened but didn't get an answer. Not that Jirou would tell the truth after that lie.

The girls have actually noticed changes from Jirou these past few months. They thought it was because of her parents dying but she doesn't even seemed to be depressed, she always put on this happy mask and bright smile that everyone else just thought she was fine.

Although everyone else would think that, the girls have gone through so much together and of course they would worry more if anything happened to anyone of them. Jirou however was the person that's hard to read and they never knew how to approach her about her problems.

Even so they were still trying to figure out how to break her walls. She also never wears the short sleeved uniform anymore like from the start of school instead she wears the most formal type of uniform and always have been covering her skin. They were thinking of the worst case scenario of her hurting herself but it didn't sound right because it's Jirou.

For now, they left her hide behind her wall again but one of these days they'll grab her from it.

AN: hello and I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this book, I will try updating daily since I already finished a few more chapters so hang tight :D

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