10 - girl time

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"What took you guys so long?", Mina asks as they see the two girls finally walking in the sauna. "Uhh... Yaoyorozu-san helped me with my bandage since it got wet when I was in the shower", Jirou answers gesturing to her head. The taller girl didn't say anything and left Jirou to do the talking.

Mina answers with a little "oh" as the two girls stripped off their towels and slowly dipped in the warm water with other girls. Ofcourse Yaoyorozu was trying her absolute best to not lose her mind over the fact that her crush was literally naked in the same place as her but she shook it all off.

Jirou lets out a sigh as she finally dipped her body. "Is your head okay tho Jirou-chan? Was there something wrong?", Uraraka asks that made the smaller girl look at her way. "Uhh yeah it feels much better now, just experienced a slight headache", she said trying to reassure the girls.

Yaoyorozu looks at the smaller girl who was sat beside her as their eyes met. Jirou tilted her head slightly to the side almost silently questioning what's wrong. The taller girl just felt her cheek heat up as she looked away. "Is something wrong Yaoyorozu-chan", Tsuyu asks that made the girl slightly jump.

"N-nothing", she says. "Just that Jirou-chan can be really cute sometimes", she laughs softly. The smaller girl grew embarrassed as she was the one who looked away this time. "Dummy", she whispered as the girls just laughed at her reaction.

"You are cute tho", Mina adds teasing the girl more. "I-im not cute", she tries to act cool but failed miserably making the girls laugh amusingly again. "I didn't expect to see you get flustered over a simple comment", Hagakure says making Jirou gets more embarrassed.

"I'm not", she looks at them with the expression she had when the kid told her she was amazing. Yaoyorozu never felt more happy over the fact she was the cause of it this time. She rarely gets this flustered and the whole class knew that so well.

"We'll stop teasing, we'll stop", Yaoyorozu says still laughing softly as the smaller girl was still looking away. "Jirou-chan?", she leaned forward to the girl to see her face but Jirou just turned away even more. "You made her upset", Uraraka teased as the other girls just nodded.

This made Yaoyorozu panic, and her hand went up to Jirou's shoulder making the smaller girl flinch in the contact. She whipped her head to face Yaoyorozu only to freeze in place after realizing their faces were inches apart. Both their eyes widened and immediately Yaoyorozu backed away.

That was the second time that happened to them. The other girls looked at each other and had an amused expression plastered on their faces. "I think we're done with the sauna, we should head back to our room", Yaoyorozu immediately stands up and grabbed her towel before walking out completely.

Jirou looked at her way as she completely disappeared. She turned to the other girls and immediately felt awkward for how they're looking at her. "W-what-", she asks.

"Nothing, nothing at all", Mina innocently answers as the other girls just followed her lead. Jirou was just confused but left it anyways.

Yaoyorozu was so flustered over what happened that she didn't notice that someone was following her out. "Uhm excuse me", his tiny voice that Yaoyorozu recognized immediately made her stop in her tracks.

"Oh... Yuki-kun", she looked back at him. "What's wrong?", she asks. The boy started to fiddle with his fingers before looking back up. "Do you like oni-chan?", he asks making Yaoyorozu flinch and panicked.

"That's-", she was cut off when she heard footsteps coming probably from the other girls following her back. "Yuki-kun can we talk about this another time? As of now can you keep quiet about it for me?", she hurriedly says and the boy felt how she was actually panicking.

"I understand", he nodded making Yaoyorozu sigh in relief. "Yuki-kun? What are you doing here?", Jirou's voice was heard and the two of them whipped their heads looking at her way. The kid immediately was thinking of something to say. "I wanted to see the cat but you weren't in your room so I thought you guys headed to the sauna", he answered.

He wasn't even lying since that was his intention going there but got sidetracked after witnessing a certain scene. "Oh- well we're going back to our room but you'll have to wait outside since we have to change", she says rubbing the kid's head.

"No actually some other time, you guys need to rest after all", he answered with a beaming smile that made the girls smile softly as well. "Okay", Jirou answers as they continued walking back to the room. Yaoyorozu looked back at Yuki and the boy was just waving at her. The taller girl just placed her index finger to her lips and the boys understood what she meant.

He nodded eagerly and also placed his index finger to his lips almost saying back that he's gonna keep quiet about their little secret. The girl just laughed softly which was heard by Jirou as she looked at her way but Yaoyorozu was already looking up ahead with a small smile on her face. This made the smaller girl confused but she shakes it off anyways.

They got back to the room and immediately started changing their clothes. Most of them headed to their sleeping mats to just lay there awake while talking to the other girls. Yaoyorozu already made her way to the cat and immediately the furball made his way to her lap and nuzzled in comfortably.

She started caressing it's fur and gained a purr from the cat. Jirou was on her sleeping mat but wasn't really paying attention to the conversation that the other girls was having. She was on her phone playing games, she lost a round and released a sigh as she placed down her phone. Her head turned to the side seeing an empty mat beside hers. Yaoyorozu's.

Immediately wondered where the girl was she sat up and looked at the corner to see the taller girl running her hands through the cat's fur. He really be enjoying himself, she thought with a soft smile on her face. She didn't want to bother the girl so she laid back down and this time she closed her eyes trying to drown other voices in the room and get some sleep.

A few hours passed of them just doing what they were doing, the girls silently chatting with each other, the cat still on Yaoyorozu's lap but she was on her phone scrolling aimlessly and Jirou had already fallen to sleep. "Yaomomo", the taller girl heard a whisper yell from Mina and she looks back to see the girls pointing at Jirou sleeping. "Wake her up", she says still whispering. Yaoyorozu gave her a confused look, "Dinner", she whispered yell pointing at the clock on the wall.

"Oh", she whispers. The girls started to stand up and walking out of the room. "Wait why me?", she whisper yelled to the girls who was just laughing softly and walked out completely. She sighed and gave a wtf look the door they went out of. The cat stretched his body and meowed catching Yaoyorozu's attention. "Can you wake her up instead?", she says silently and the cat just started to walk away. He went to the ball of yarn just sitting on the corner and started playing with it.

"Real helpful", she says and stood up, slowly walking towards the girl who was peacefully sleeping. She kneels on her sleeping mat which was besides Jirou's and thought of how to wake her up. "She looks tired tho", she whispered to herself, "but she needs to eat", literally fighting with herself. She finally decided to tuck a strand of hair behind Jirou's ear. "Jirou-chan?", she called out. "Jirou-chan", the girl started to shift in her sleep. "Hmm?", she answered sleepily.

Yaoyorozu felt like her heart was gonna burst. She's so adorable, she thought. "We need to eat dinner", she answers. The girl was half awake when she opened her eyes to see Yaoyorozu's face. "Five more minutes", she says mindlessly grabbing the girl's neck before pulling her down to lay next to her.

The taller girl felt her body freeze as Jirou had her arms wrapped around her waist and her face was buried under her neck. Her cheeks started to heat up realizing their position and didn't know what to do. The smaller girl had fallen back to sleep that's for sure.

"You can't just do these things to me and expect me not to fall for you more", she whispered and sighed. She pulled herself away from the girl and sat up. "Five more minutes", she looked down at the sleeping girl with a soft smile on her face.

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