14 - villains in camp

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Jirou walked aimlessly trying to find the taller girl as she finally got to the place she wanted to. She had struck her earjacks to the ground beforehand to try and find everyone and she noticed that there were too many people than it should've been.

She obviously knew what that meant so she went out to find Yaoyorozu and the boy, when she was trying to listen she heard two fast heartbeats from the main building so she ran for it.

"Yuki-kun?!", Jirou called out to the room as she heard three heartbeats in here. "Oni-chan!", The boy ran to her as he was already crying. "What happened? Is something wrong?", She asks as she grew worried. "Your girlfriend is hurt", he blurts out. Jirou was taken aback to what he said. "I don't have a girlfriend-", she says as she heard a loud thud from the room next to the room they were in. She held Yuki's hand as they both ran towards and Jirou sees the villain attacking Yaoyorozu who was already on the floor with blood oozing out her head.

The villain was about to hit her again that made the smaller girl panic. "Yaoyorozu-san!", Jirou yells as she ran to the girl with Yuki still with her. She covers the injured girl and the villain hits her back making her cough in pain. "Oni-chan!", Yuki yells as the girl was still infront of him and Yaoyorozu. "Jirou-chan are you okay?!", The taller girl almost yelled despite feeling fatigue all over her body.

Then Jirou just started laughing as the three other people in the room had their eyes widened. "Why are you laughing you dumb bitch", the villain says unamused at her being entertained by this.

Jirou looks back at him and with her piercing purple eyes she says, "Because", she chuckled again. "You're weaker than my quirkless uncle", she says with a dark demeanor surrounding her. She stretched her back to fix her composure. "Jirou-chan I could make-", Yaoyorozu started to trail off but Jirou cuts her off.

"No need to trouble yourself, we're not allowed to use our quirks against anyone since we don't have licenses remember?", She says looking back at her with the softest smile. How can she smile at situations like this? Yaoyorozu wonders. "I just need you to trust me Yaoyorozu-san", she says as the taller girl got taken aback but nodded anyways.

She looks away blushing. "I do trust you with my whole heart", she says as Yuki looks at her smiling. He can hear her heart racing as those words were spilled from her mouth. The villain started to lunge at her to attack but Jirou just sent a strong kick to his face making him stumble back.

He gritted his teeth as he shook off the dizziness and started running at her again. Trying to throw the punches Jirou was dodging them perfectly fine and sending a few blows on his side when she sees an opening. "You're too slow", she whispers at him making him frustrated as he grabbed a piece of the broken wall and threw it at her with high speed.

It was obvious she couldn't dodge that in time and if she would, the two were  gonna receive it who were at the back. She clicked her tongue before putting up her arms to receive the blow, she stepped a few steps back losing her balance but immediately regained it. The villain wasted no time as he tried to attack her once again head on. The girl was actually getting more and more tired because she still hasn't fully slept.

Even so she continued matching his movements and tiring him more with the strong punches she could give him. Considering she lived through physical abuse, she could easily read the villain's movements. From training she also had few times where Aizawa taught her how to fight close range. "Just give up already", she says coldly punching him upward to his chin making him lose control of his senses.

She jumped up and landed her strongest kick on to his head, the villain was dropped unconscious as Jirou landed on her feet. She tried catching her breath as she moved too much than her own capacity.

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