15 - protect her

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The villain started to get back on his feet as his head whipped towards Bakugo with his eyes glowing maniacally. "Give her to us", he said as he tried coming closer towards Yaoyorozu who was holding the still unconscious Jirou on her back. Yuki got scared and immediately clutched onto the taller girl's shirt.

"You're not getting anyone here dumb face", Bakugo ran towards him as fast as he can gaining momentum for a strong punch. Aiming right at his face making sure this time he drops unconscious, the villain was thrown and that huge impact was enough for him to lose his consciousness. Yaoyorozu had her eyes slightly widened. He really never fails to amaze, she thought.

"Let's go", he says nonchalantly as they started moving forward again. They walked for a bit trying to find their way back to the class or find anyone at all. It was silent until the taller girl spoke up. "Bakugo where did you go? We thought you got caught by the villains along with some other boys", she asked.

The boy didn't look back to her but just kept walking. "A fake Mr. Aizawa told us to meet him at the end of the forest to talk about something important", he answered gathering Yaoyorozu's full attention. "We didn't notice back then how he was a fraud so we followed him", he trailed off. "That's when a few villains came up to attack us and we were outnumbered", the taller girl's mouth slightly went agape.

"We had to think of something so we made a diversion by using Todoroki's quirk and made a fog", he says. "We all got separated from each other when we scattered to run away. That's when I found a few villains talking about finding a purple haired girl and the only person who has such color is Jirou so I made it my priority to find her", he said in his lowest voice almost shy about what he just said.

The taller girl was surprised about him caring that much for Jirou but is relieved that someone strong like him is now protecting the smaller girl. She started to think about her other classmates and where they are, hoping they're safe. "I see", she responded.

"What happened to her?", he suddenly asks still not bothering to even look back at Yaoyorozu.

"She-", the taller girl glanced to her side and immediately felt disappointed in herself. "She got exhausted after fighting a villain back there to protect us. She didn't have her proper sleep and has been training all day, her head probably didn't handle it well", she says with worry laced in her voice

"She started to burn up but thankfully she brought her medicine with her and it helped calm her down so right now she's just sleeping to rest up", she added.

"And what happened to your head?", he asked making Yaoyorozu taken aback that he's actually concerned to even ask. "I got hit by that villain she defeated cause I needed to cover Yuki", The small wolf tightened his grip on her shirt catching her attention. She looked down only to see the boy concerned at her once more. She just gave her a reassuring smile to tell him it's all good.

When she looked upfront again her mind wandered about the smaller girl and the insane regret for not doing much to help the girl washed over her again. Bakugo looked at her with just his side eye and slightly sighed.

"Stop being so upset about Jirou, she just wanted to protect you", again taken aback about how he knew that she was feeling upset about her. "But she still got hurt because of me", she looks at the smaller girl's peaceful face passed out. "You protected the dog child didn't you? I'm sure that's all that matters to her", he says.

She didn't know what to respond but somehow that made her feel slightly better. Suddenly the kid stops on his tracks and with him still holding onto the hem of Yaoyorozu's shirt she felt the tug that made her stop too. "Wait", he whispered yell making Bakugo slightly turn his head giving him the side eye. "What is it damn kid", he asked as he stopped walking.

"I can hear so many heartbeats up ahead", he whispered yelled making the two students had their eyes slightly widened in surprise. "Ah fuck these damn students are giving us a hard time", a villain came out from the darkness revealing himself. They felt more eyes from behind him that made their defenses up. "Give us the girl", he says.

"Like hell we'll give you what you want!", Bakugo yelled at him. "Bakugo we can't take them all", she whispered to him earning a tsk from the boy. He also knew that too well. Having two helpless and one injured classmate with him, this fight would be nowhere near any chance of victory. Even so they had to think. A sudden slight groan was heard from the smaller girl on Yaoyorozu's back.

One of the villains from the back started to attack the students as he flew towards him, his wings were like ink. Bakugo immediately jumps up to block him from hitting the two girls grabbing his arms and throwing him to the ground. The villain groaned in pain as he was unable to move at the moment. "W-what's happening?", Jirou finally opened her eyes as the first person she saw was Yaoyorozu.

"The villains are after you", she said with concern laced in her voice. "What?", She said so confused but then still realized that Yaoyorozu was carrying her. "You can put me down now Yaoyorozu-san", she says softly as the taller girl immediately followed what she said. "Oy Ears get your shit together even for just a while, you three need to run. I'll distract them", Bakugo said seriously his eyes fixated on the group of villains infront of them.

"What? We're not leaving you", Jirou said stepping upfront beside Bakugo. "Do you really have to be dumb right now out of all the time?", he almost yelled as his eyes darted at her seeing she was serious on what she said. "She's right heroes don't leave their companions alone", Yaoyorozu also stepped in. Yuki looked at them with admiration in his eyes, amazed by how dedicated they are on being a hero.

"This is gonna get messy", Bakugo said cracking his knuckles. "Yuki-kun stay behind us", Jirou says as tried ignoring her throbbing head. She was still exhausted afterall. "We don't have to waste all this energy, just hand over the purple haired girl", the villain who seemed like the leader said. Taken aback by what she heard, Jirou finally realized what Yaoyorozu told her just awhile ago was true.

"What do you want from me?", she asks coldly. "Not us, we're just here to take you and deliver", he answered making the three students confused. "Deliver to who?", Yaoyorozu asked as she got all tensed up again. "None of your business!", The villain yelled as he dashed towards them kicking Bakugo on the face throwing him off.

"Bakugo!", Jirou yelled as she gritted her teeth towards the villain. The villain swings a punch towards the young girl but Yaoyorozu immediately grabs his arm and twisted it to his back making him yell in pain. The blonde boy immediately stood up from getting thrown it was clear he was pissed off.

"Attack them all at once!", The villain Yaoyorozu was holding yelled and he pushed the girl off of him. The villains started to run towards them and they were completely surrounded. The three students clenched their fists as they got into their fighting stance. They knew they were completely outnumbered but they still have to defend at all cost.

Two villains jumped up towards Jirou catching her off guard. Even so she still managed to dodge their attacks. She clicked her tongue in annoyance because her body was failing her, she's not as agile as she's supposed to be but considering she's too tired it was out of the question.

Bakugo and Yaoyorozu had their fair share of villains surrounding them making them separate from each other. They can still fight but they're more worried about the smaller girl. The villains didn't let them have any openings to reach Jirou and escape.

"I'm telling you just give it up", the ink man flew to Jirou and grabbed her neck pushing her to a tree. She started to choke as she tried to remove the villain's hand but he was too strong. "You're just a nuisance", he whispered making Jirou's eyes widened in surprise.

Her lips started to tremble hearing this sentence again and she looked down. He's right, she thought. I just am. She was ready to just give up there and let them take her. She felt like it would be better for her classmates to just be left in peace.


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