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The group leaves the others and Emma directs them down main street, past the Hatchetfield Gazette and towards the woods. Hannah clutchs tight to Lexie and she hugs her back. Not only have they lost Ethan but they're stuck in this weird reality. At least they're not with Becky or Tom, Lex thankfully intercepted and insisted they were placed with Emma. She starts to question it.
"Why did you want to be put with us? We don't know anything really about this time."
"I think Hannah has had some issues with Mr Houston and Becky, especially Becky."
"Oh OK."
"So we don't really know who you are other than names. How do you guys know Tim?"
Emma smiles at Lexie's question.
"He's my nephew. We babysat him for Tom, though we weren't told that. How do you know the others?"
Lex begins their story and Hannah joins Paul. They walk in silence until Lex and Emma join them again. Emma talks about how Paul doesn't like musicals and Lex, to annoy him, starts to sing.
"I am not throwing away my shot! I am not throwing away my shot! See I'm-"
Emma grabs Lex's mouth so she will be quiet but it's too late. Hannah senses someone coming and gives herself instructions.

1. Tell him they're bad.

2. Convince him that he is wrong.

3. Get out of here.

Hannah doesn't know quite how he will get them out but notes the instructions, nodding to herself and they, as a group, come face to face with a group of men. One looks around 20 years older than the others but seems just as included and his white hair glistens in the sun. That's the leader. Emma lets out a cry.
"Professor Hidgens!"
The blue eyed older man focuses on Emma as they come closer.
"Well well. Emma Perkins. You thought you could escape? You thought your precious Paul Matthews could fake that number?"
Hidgens makes a sharp gesture down and Paul crumples to the floor by Emma.
"We could have just done that the whole time. He doesn't have the apotheosis' immunity. What a plot twist."
"How are you here?"
"How are you here? The same way as myself. Except mine was intentional. Who do you think made that box? Who would have known all it could do. I mean, create 5 Lords? Pretty cool. Gives you the option too! Have one of them command a box that you can easily control? Hell yeah. So you've met 3 so far? Tinky - the bastard of time and space was in charge of the box, Pokey - the singular voice in charge of the apotheosis and wiggly - the Lord of black who I am sure you're familiar with. I still have two more to use: Nibbly - the one that feasts in the dark and Blinky - the watcher with a thousand eyes. I'm sure you would love to meet them all. I even have an army that I made shortly after Paul here's apotheosis. Exact clones, at least they were. Now they are green monsters who live in the black and white. I can call on them if I want. Not here but in the present. For here I have my boys. Steve. Stu. Can you grab the you get girls please."
Hannah tries to get away but it's too late. Steve holds her up so that all she can use is her legs. She writhes around before giving up, for now.
"Ah yes I remember. You were the destruction of Wiggly's toy. Too bad that didn't work."
Lex mutters confused and Hannah finally speaks up.
"They're bad."
"What was that you Rotten Little Banana?"
I flinch at the nickname but continue.
"You're wrong. Webby's brothers are bad."
"Webby is a stupid bitch and you should learn to pay less attention to her."
Hidgens replies, spitting in Hannah's face.
"It's thanks to her you're alive right now. That lightning would have killed you if it wasn't for her. She saved your life and you bring her brothers to the world, banishing her. You cause me to have nightmare time. You are trying to take my power for your own? Well it's mine. I have the power!"
With that Hannah kicks Steve in the groin, followed by Lex shortly after. She hears a shout and recognises it as Tim's but runs to Lexie.
"Lexie, we can only do this together. Please."
She nods, understanding what to do. They both mutter incantations that neither of them know where they found them and somehow, it works. Hidgens falls back, and the group returns home. Tim, Tom, Becky, Emma, Paul, Lex, Hannah, Linda, Jane and Stanley. Something they realise, however, is that it isn't the reality they left. Hidgens, a future Hidgens, spots them and comes over.
"You have just been in the past, correct?"
The group nods as Jane, Linda and Stanley slip away unnoticed by all but Hidgens.
"This is the same time line but you are not who you were before. Look around."

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