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People think, if you work with the Avengers, you have seen everything. Well... Will's tour through Camp Half- Blood proofed me wrong. The Camp was kind of like: If Summer camp met Ancient Greece; in a weird way it worked. Will explained that every Camper is a Demigod, or Half-Blood as they are called. I asked him about all the relations since Greek Mythology was known for having some... questionable relationships. He said that only the people with the same godly parent are technically your siblings. Since Gods do not really have DNA. So (1) Will is my half-brother, I guess and (2) I have a way bigger "Family" than I thought. Well, this might get interesting.

At Camp, Half-Bloods train and learn how to survive in the real world. So basically, the stuff schools should be teaching. They learn to fight, how to speak Ancient Greek and other stuff. The tour included the Pegasus stables, a giant dining pavilion that looked like the Parthenon in Athens and an amphitheatre, were some people were rehearsing an ancient play. The tour ended on an open space with a bunch of cabins, ach one more individual than the other.

"Every Olympian, and a lot of minor gods, have their own cabin where their kids live.", Will explained. He walked over to a cabin that was practically radiating light. It looked like it was made from solid gold.

"This is Cabin #7. Apollos Cabin", he said as he opened the door. Three other people were in the cabin. They looked up once and then drew their attention back to the thing they were doing.

"Make yourself feel at home. There is one empty bed next to the music room."

I sat down on the bed. One long side was pushed against wall. A pillow and a blanket were nicely folded on the foot end of the bed.

"Um... Will just one question...", I carefully asked: "Do you know if I can get some normal clothes somewhere? This suit is getting uncomfortable".

"Yeah, sure. There is a Store near the Arena. Do you need money? They take dollars and Drachmas."

"Oh no... I have some bucks in my jacket. But thanks".

As I was about to leave Will advised: "You might want to let your gun here. It wouldn't help you very much".

I smiled and put the gun under the blanket: "Thanks". With that I took off to find the shop.

I was used to being judged by other people. But on the way to find the shop, everybody was staring at me. I heard their whispers as I walked by. I wanted to disappear. Never in my life, would I have thought that I would get judged by people in Ancient Greek Armour. I was so focused on the things they said that I did not notice that I did not know where I was going. As I got to the conclusion, that I was lost, I quickly looked for somebody, who may know the way.

I spotted a guy with jet black hair and sea green eyes walking towards me. He wore an orange T-shirt, some blue jeans and played with a pen in his hands. I took a deep breath and asked him: "Hey, I'm sorry. Do you know where the store is?"

The Boy looked up and smiled: "Oh, yeah, It's right there". He pointed at a little cottage with an orange sign outside: "Wait... aren't you the new kid? Philippa Stark...Made quite the entrance today... clearing the fog like that."

"Yeah..." I rubbed the back of your head awkwardly.

"Oh, my gods", he said as a lightbulb light up over his head: "Philippa Stark as in Tony Stark aka Iron Man?!". He nearly screamed in my face.

"Umm... he is my ... Well... I do not really know. He's my step-dad, guess.", I answered. Right now, I noticed that my whole picture of my family was wrong.

"Wow! I am a huge fan of him. Love your suit by the way".

I looked down, as I forgot that I had this thing still on.

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