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Dear Morgan,

It is great hearing from you. I hope you are doing fine. How is the team? And Mom? How is she dealing with everything? How is training going? You know that I want a report on your progress in every letter, right? And before you start to think it is unfair, let me reassure you, that I train too, daily.

In camp, we train in different disciplines. We have combat-training (Like with Aunt Natasha), Weapon-training, Archery and more. But I know that stories of training would bore you to death, so I jump over that and tell you something about the people here.

First of all, there is Lily. She is my half-sister and is such a sweetheart. We do a lot of things together and in the Apollo-cabin. She is my best friend here.

Then there are Annabeth, Piper and Hazel. Annabeth is the daughter of Athena and a genius (duh). She knows nearly everything and is the architect of Olympus. I dare to say that she would beat Dad in a quiz duel.

Piper is a daughter of Aphrodite, but not like a typical 'Regina George' Queen Bee. She is very down to earth and super kind.

Hazel is the daughter of Pluto and from the roman camp in California. She is kind of like Uncle Steve, you know, not from this century. But she is a real sweet pea.

Speaking of Steve: Jason, Piper's boyfriend, could be his younger brother. 'Language!', looks, character and all. He is also from the roman Camp. Same as Frank. He is a living Teddy bear. You would get along with him very well.

The last two are Percy and Leo (Oh gods...).

Percy is cool he is the son of Poseidon and can control water. He is also nice. He is Annabeth's boyfriend and these two are too sweet together.

Leo... where do I start. He is the son of Hephaestus and can set himself on fire. He is kind of cute, I mean.... The first time we crossed paths he spilled water over me, but he apologized. I once was training late at night, and he walked in on me. As part of the apology, we 'duelled' ... kind of like a bet. I hate to say it and I am ashamed, but he beat me with a very dirty trick, which I should have seen coming. I had his back against the wall, and he just snatched my feet away!

So, he now has a free wish. My head is bursting with thoughts and worries what he might do with it.

Okay I am drifting off. So... the seven, Lily and I were on the beach, and it was hilarious. We had ice cream, a BBQ and an awesome time. And well... the last two there were Leo and I and he walked me back to my cabin. And I may or may not have kissed him on the cheek. Sue me!

Lily is mocking me all the time about it. The rest of the week went fine. I worked in the infirmary after a game of 'capture the flag', trained and hung out with the others. I have to say, I am so grateful to have a group of friends adopting me that fast.

Annabeth has been teaching me Ancient Greek which is way easier than French. Piper and Hazel showed me the different monsters and how to kill them. Percy and Jason helped me train with sword and dagger. That was fun bonding time.

On the other side, I have been helping Leo with his inventions. I might or might not have shown him some tricks and things dad taught me, so please tell him not to sue camp or Leo or me, thanks!

Thanks again for keeping me updated on what is happening at home. I really appreciate it.

Did the commotion around my 'disappearance' die down? Please tell me yes.

And please try to spend some time outside, I know it is hard right now, but I will be back soon.

Love you,

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