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The Campfire was great. There was a big fire bowl with a bunch of wooden trunks as benches. The fire changed its colour from time to time. The Apollo cabin was singing and playing different campfire songs. I felt a little chill go down my spine as a little cold breeze brushed up against me. A lot of campers were sitting there with blankets. I saw Percy and Annabeth cuddled up together. Annabeth wore a blue, oversized Hoodie with the name 'Jackson 05' on it, which was kind of cute. Will rushed me out of my thoughts as he announced: "Dear campers, as some might know, the Apollo cabin got a new member today. And of course, we want to welcome her properly". Applause started to break out.

"So", Will continued: "Philippa, would you please do us the honour of singing for us? See it as a part of the welcoming ceremony here at camp".

"Do I have to?", I whispered to Lily. She nodded and shoved me up my butt.

I thought for a little moment and felt all their stares on me. Then an idea struck me. I borrowed a guitar from an Apollo kid and said down.

I took a deep breath: "Okay... This is the only thing I can think of. It's a song, or more a lullaby, my mom, my sister and I always sung together".

I, again, took a deep breath and began to play the lullaby "Lavender's Blue". My fingers played the strings of the guitar lightly. I closed my eyes as I began to sing. It was dead silence, except for me, some crickets chirping in the distance and the crackling of the fire. It has been a long time since I played the song the last time, but my fingers still knew how it goes. Memories of Mom, Morgan and I came up. How we were cuddled up together during a thunderstorm and mom singing the song to us.

Applause brought me back into reality, as I finished the song. I gave the kid his guitar back and sat down next to Lily again, who looked at me with disbelieve.

"That was incredible! And you said you did not sound good. Girl, just for your interest, you send Annabeth off to sleep. And that means something".

And really. As I looked over to Percy and Annabeth, she was curled up, with her head in Percy's lab sleeping like a little baby. A small smile sat on her lips. Percy showed me a big smile and a thump up and I could not do but laugh.

I stayed for around a half an hour longer, as we all had to go and get ready for bed. In the Bag with necessities for camp was also an oversized T-Shirt that had the words 'Fall Hunting tour 2002' on it. After I brushed my teeth, I looked over the letter for Morgan and as soon as my head touched the pillow, I was sound asleep. But not without a dream.

I was back at the Avengers compound. I was standing Infront of a door and heard voices coming from inside. Carefully I opened the door and saw Morgan sitting on her bed her. Mom was kneeing Infront of her. Morgan buried her face in her hands and Pepper slowly stroke her hair.

"What if something happened to her?", Morgan said, her voice sounding like she cried earlier.

Mom just sighed: "She is a strong girl; nothing will happen to her. Believe me".

"How can you be so sure? We should go and look for her. She has to be somewhere near Montauk", Morgan said desperately.

"Honey, she said herself, that we shouldn't look for her. Have some faith in her", Mom tried to calm her down.

"How do you stay so calm? Do you even care if she is okay?" Morgan jumped up and walked into the corner of the room next to the door.

She looked right into my eyes. Could she see me? But Morgan just sighed took a tissue, out of her jacket.

"Mom, I am sorry... I didn't mean it but it's a lot to deal with",

Morgan sighed and went to hug Pepper.

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