Chapter 1

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"Rey! Take my hand!" Ben yells. I stretch out my hand just as he falls into the dark abyss. I jolt up in bed and try to steady my breathing. Ever since the day we destroyed the First Order, I've been having terrible dreams about Ben. The kiss that we shared turning into a nightmare. I take my sheet and drag it outside with me into the cool, breezy morning. Today is the ceremony of the Life of Princess Leia. I've been dreading this moment since Poe and Finn planned it. Since the day I killed Palpatine, I've been training harder than ever before. I do the course General Leia set up for me three times a day along with some added complex things from me.

I sit down on a chair and think about how to tell Finn what the Force is. Finn asked me what the Force was and it stumped me. I could tell him what Luke said to me, but I want it to come from me. I've thought about training Finn to use the Force using the Jedi's wisdom. Sometimes they'll speak to me through dreams and visions while others they'll come to me in blue rays to talk. I trudge back to my room to change before I head out to do my first run through the course. The ceremony starts around noon. Many people from around the Galaxy who came to help us fight are joining us. Chewie and Lando left last week to tell everyone when the ceremony would be. I change into my capris and wrapped shirt. I run through the overgrowth to the beginning of the course and look around. BB-8 zooms up behind me and beeps happily. I smile and pull on my helmet that blocks everything from view and begin the course. I twist the switch on my yellow double-bladed lightsaber on and use the Force as I balance on the vine across a canyon. I've mastered this course by now, but that doesn't stop me from losing my balance on the vine when I hear a voice in my head.

"Why do you do this to yourself?" the voice in my head asks. I slip from the vine and fall. I fall into the dark canyon trying to figure out what just happened. I use the Force to slow my fall until I'm standing on the ground of the cannon. I look up and make out a dark figure standing above. I float up the side and see Finn laughing with BB-8 beside him.

"What do you want?" I ask and float over to a rock.

"Good morning to you, too." he says and sits down beside me. "Have you thought about my question?"

"Yes. And it just came to me as I was falling. The Force...The Force is an energy field created by life that binds the galaxy together." I say. "And with the Force comes balance."  We sit in silence for awhile as he thinks over my explanation. "Does that answer your question?"

"Yes," he says and looks down.

"Finn. What was it that you wanted to tell me when we were sinking in the sand?"

"Do you promise not to say anything to anyone?" he asks.

"Of course." I say, interested in what he's going to tell me.

"I can feel the Force."

"What do you mean you can feel the Force?"

"There have been sometimes when I've sensed things or felt them."

"What times?" I ask and slide closer to him.

"The most recent one was when you died. I felt you die. When we were trying to blow up the channel. I felt it move from a tower to the main ship. I felt it. Then when we met Jannah, I realized that I felt the Force calling me to you and telling me to get out of the First Order. I knew that when you left us and waited in the desert as we got on the ship that you were waiting for Kylo Ren. I could feel him." I flinch and realize that's the first time anyone's said Kylo Ren's name out loud since the First Order fell. "And when we saw that snake that was so injured he couldn't move, Poe wanted to blast him, but I could feel that you were going to do something." he goes on.

We sit in silence before I reach over and pull him into a hug.

"Shocking, but I can see that connection." I say.

"Really?" he asks.

"Yes, Finn. I think you do have something there."

"Rey! Finn!" I hear Poe call from a distance. I stand as I hear footsteps. Finn puts a finger to his lips and I nod. At that moment, I want to tell Finn everything, but I know that now isn't the time. Poe steps through the foliage and glances between us. "Not sharing secrets without me, are you? Been looking for you guys everywhere. It's almost time." He looks closer at my arm and raises his eyebrows. "You need to get cleaned up." I glance down and see a long gash up my forearm dripping blood. I follow BB-8 back to my compartment and wrap my arm to stop the bleeding and make my way to the main base. Laughter and music floats through the trees. When I reach the aircraft lined up in rows, Poe walks up and hands me a drink. Music plays as everyone dances and talks to each other, joyously. Finn dances with Rose along with R2-D2 and C3P-O.

"You couldn't leave the saber home, could you?" Poe asks.

"Never know when something could happen." I say and look towards the darkening sky. The fireworks appear just as the sun dips behind the trees. I dance with Poe and Finn and C3P-O who is a bit stiff. As the night wears on, Finn and Poe gather wood into a big pile. I zap it with a bit of lightning and we begin the funeral. I try not to use this power as often because it reminds me of who my real family is. I haven't used it since the war. We set Princess Leia's clothes on the table for cremation. Everyone gathers around and watches the flames as people tell stories about Leia. At some points, people cry and at others they laugh. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a blue shape moving. I catch a glimpse of a white robe and run after it with BB-8 on my heels. We come to an abrupt stop. Leia stands before us with Luke by her side. She gives me a smile.


"Master. It's so good to see you."

"As well as you." she says. "Rey, we don't have long to talk, but I want you to train the ex-stormtroopers and Finn as well. We think you should start a Jedi Temple."

"I'd be honored, but I don't think I'm ready to train a group of new Jedi."

"No one is ever ready to train something that you've started to learn yourself, but you're ready. You're more ready than you think." Leia says. I try to take in what she is saying.

"Rey. We'll be with you. All of us, but it's time to start a new Jedi generation." Luke says. "You're the only one left. With you there could be more. But beware. The more Jedi you train, the more the Force must be balanced and the Dark side will return. Han asked me to tell you that you've got this, kid." I smile and know exactly what Han would say.

"It's time for us to go, but we'll talk again soon." Leia says as she disappears. Luke gives me a thumbs up and vanishes.

"Looks like we've got a lot of work cut out for us." BB-8 beeps in answer. We make our way back to the celebration. I gather my thoughts on training and remember something from earlier. The voice from the canyon. It was Kylo Ren's voice. Ben Solo's voice.

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