Chapter 11

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Before I turn away, I see a change in his breathing. As time goes on the color in his cheeks come back. His strength grows as he holds my hand tighter. He sits up beside me and takes my face in his hands.

"Ben, you came back." I say. He smiles. His hands trace the lines of my face. Before I can stop him, he pulls me down and kisses me. I relax into his embrace as the others talk around us. Finally. The feeling of being home.

"Umm, okay. Are we sure she's herself? Maybe my mom planned for something to happen when Rey died."

"Guys, it's me. We need to get out of here. Finn needs a doctor. Poe and I need a doctor. We need to get to base before they send out the fleet." I say. When I try to stand, I fall back down.

"She needs a doctor. She's lost too much blood." Ben says.

"Yeah, and guess who did that. You." Jannah says. "I'm not taking him on my ship."

"Good thing it's not your ship. Let's go." I grunt out. My eyes scan the cavern and land on Zohia. She lies motionless on the ground covered in blood. When I stand again, Ben gets underneath one arm while Finn gets the other. He cuts glances over at Ben as we walk out. Ben reaches down and grabs my lightsaber as we go. Poe and Jannah walk behind us, quietly. I see a figure appear before us and tense. I wince and grab my bound stomach. Finn lets go of me and takes out his lightsaber with his left hand. The smoke clears and Rose materializes.

"Rey? Finn? Is that you?" she asks.

"Rose? What are you doing here?" Finn asks and walks towards her.

"You guys were out too long. Poe told me to come looking for you. Where's Poe?"

"Back here." he yells. She lets out a relieved sigh and looks at Jannah and Ben.

"Long story. I'll tell you on the Falcon." Finn says. "How'd you get here?"

"I had Lando drop me off. He took the x-wings back. Didn't feel comfortable letting the dark guys have a free ship. You said the Falcon? Where is it?" Rose asks.

"This way." Jannah leads us to the back end of the cave. We get on the ship and settle down at the back.

"I can pilot. Where's your base at?" Ben asks.

"Like we'd tell you. You work for the bad guys." Rose snarls.

"Guys, cool it. He's on our side." I say, exhausted.

"Kylo Ren is not on our side. I don't know if you remember, but he was on Palpatine's side and he killed you." Finn says.

"Listen. His name isn't Kylo Ren anymore. It's Ben. Ben Solo. I'll tell you everything back at base. Since Poe's still healing and you don't trust Ben, I'll pilot. Rose, wrap another bandage around Finn's arm." I grab onto the wall and slowly make my way to the cockpit. Ben places his hand on my elbow and helps me down into the chair.

"You can't expect me to let you fly us towards wherever your base is. You can barely walk, let alone stay awake." Ben says. "Let me help you." I look at him for a while before nodding.

When we're in the air, I press a couple of buttons and press the lever for us to go into hyperspeed. I lean back and stare into Ben's eyes afraid that when I blink, he'll disappear. He grabs my hand and rubs his thumb over my fingers.

"I used to think home was someplace green and endlessly filled with water, but I realized home is in your arms. Ben. I've been lost without you. I need someone to tell me where I belong in this world." I whisper.

He takes me in his arms and whispers in my ear. " You and I. We belong together. I'll always find my way to you. Because you were meant for me. And I was destined for you. I will always love you. Only you." I close my eyes and smile for the first time in a long time.

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