2 weeks later
I pulled up to Lai's house to see everyone's cars outside. Trent and Ant had showed up so we could all talk about our Tulum trip coming up. I had been trying not to think about Tommy's death too much but as expected it did pop up in my head every now and then.
I opened up the door to see Trent and Lai in a semi heated conversation. I slipped on the couch next to Ant kissing him and staring at them.
"Whats going on?" I whispered to him.
"Trent thinks Lai is packing too many clothes." He whispered back.
"No shut up its just 5 sundresses, 4 shirts 4 jeans, 4 pairs of shoes, many panties and many bras and of course my hygiene." Lai yelled throwing up her arms.
"Why CAN'T I have that much?" She whined.
"Hellloooo?" I spoke up. They both sighed before greeting me.
"Sorry girl im just stressing about this trip. How you doin you know pregnant and going over cross country." She smiled flipping off Trent causing him to clench his jaw.
"I'm fine you know just ready for it to come." I smiled back.
"Have you packed yet?" She asked walking into the kitchen.
"Nah-" "WHAT" she cut me off turning around.
I looked around at the boys to see them in just as much shock as me.
"Ri we leave early Friday morning and it's Sunday. You haven't packed." She stared at me with wide eyes.
"N-no..." I stuttered confused as to why it was such a huge deal. "Lordddddd girl what am I gonna do with you?" She stormed back into the kitchen.
"Where's my baby?" I asked sitting down as Ant answered his phone. He stood up and signaled Trent to follow him out of the room. I turned my attention back to Lai to see her pouring herself some wine.
"At her dad's. He wants her for the next 2 weeks which is fine by me." She threw up a hand taking a sip from the glass.
"Oh okay" we talked a bit more before the boys came back with a serious look on their faces.
"What's wrong" me and Lai focused on them.
"We got a call that said we will have to leave earlier than expected." Trent said looking dead at Lai.
"How much earlier?" I chimed in.
"Tomorrow at 6am." Ant stated.
"Why?" "They are having a nice dinner tomorrow night and since we are the higher ups we have to a attend." He responded.
I nodded my head and began to think.
"I can go. I have lots of vacation days that I never used and who wouldn't want an extra few days in Tulum." Lai said walking over to Trent.
"Me too" I smiled but stayed seated. Ant walked over to me kissing my forehead. "Great so its settled we will take the private jet tomorrow morning." The boys dapped up.
"PRIVATE JET?!?!?" me and Lai practically screamed at the same time. The boys covered their ears laughed.
"Yes private jet. With the gu-" "EQUIPMENT!" Ant cut off Trent making him look over.
"Equipment. We have to bring its the only way." He finished.
"You have guns?" I asked shocked.
"Baby, I'm in the Mexican Mafia. Duh I have guns. I have more guns than a gun shop. I have more guns than-" "They get it we have guns" Trent cut him off laughing.

Our Love
General FictionSerenity is 26 years old and in a relationship that she isn't completely happy with. Anthony is trying to start a fresh life and leave his old one behind. What will happen when things don't go as planned and they are brought together in ways neither...