20 (final)

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Taking a look at the test slowly 2 lines showed up.

I threw my hand over my mouth as tears weld up in my eyes.

"What what does it say." Lai said jumping off the bathroom counter and grabbing the test.

She examined it before pulling me into a big hug.

"You did it girl!" She beamed pulling away.

"Hey baby I'm your aunty Lai and this is your cousin Omar." She said pulling her belly and looking at my stomach causing me to laugh.

"Hey ladies I understand that you guys are having girl time but it's showtime in and hour and 30. Also your bridesmaids are ready to start getting you ready Serenity." I could here my makeup artist through the door.

"Okay here we come."

Time to get this show on the road.


"Ant?" I heard T and Keem knock on the bathroom door.

I remained silent as I leaned against the bed drinking my beer careful not to spill it on myself.

"Aye bro what you doing get up." They burst in pulling me up by my arms.

"I don't know man." I responded as T took the beer placing it down.

"You don't know what?" Keem asked sitting on the couch.

"I don't know if I deserve her." I slumped back against the bed post.

T sighed and rubbed his face.

"Like think about it. Ri is a nurse. Imma Mafia man. Damn all of my groomsmen are Mafia men. MY DAD IS A MAFIA MAN." I threw my arms up.

"Yo I'm her brother and I'm a Mafia man and she still loves me." Keem popped his head up.

"But I can't help but feel like it's my fault."

"Whats your fault." T asked.

"The whole baby operation thing. It's like my lifestyle is stressing her out." I sighed grabbing my beer and taking a swig.

"Bro if you were stressing her out she wouldn't still be here. And I have been with her for most of her dating life and have never see her act the way she does towards you towards anyone else. She loves you man. And love and trust is all yall need." Keem said standing up. Now him and T were standing infront of me.

"Yea your right." I went to take another swig.

"Yea I always am now give me this." He took the bottle out my hand and went to go dispose of it.

"Yea get up and get in the game. You gotta wedding to be in good sir." T grabbed my shoulders pumping me up.

Let's do this.


"Okay girl it's time for us to go, you ready?" I asked giving Serenity a quick hug as the assistants continued to perfect her.

She took a deep breathe and nodded releasing me. I smiled at her before me and Milan got ourselves and all the other bridesmaids out of the room. Grabbing Lani's hand she giggled holding her flowers.

As we got in order by the door I let her hand go so she could go to her spot.

Looking around I saw the groomsmen get with their bridesmaids.

Soon Milan was infront of me and Trenton and the music started to play.

*Thinking Out Loud (Ed Sheeran)*

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