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Slipping on my dress I checked my hair as I heard the house alarm ring letting me know someone had come in. Rubbing my lips together I slipped on my heels and walked out the bedroom.

"Hey baby you ready the surprise is in the car." Ant said out of breathe.

"Yea, you good?" I asked grabbing my purse from the rack.

"Yea just in a rush T said people are already there. "

Serenity's dress^^^

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Serenity's dress^^^


Pulling up to T and Lai's house I see a bunch of cars outside and can hear the music blaring from the backyard.

T and Lai finally decided to move in with each other since they are having a baby together.

"My baby!!" I heard someone yell as I footsteps ran our way.

I got out the car as Ant got the stuff out the car to be bum rushed by momma.

"Momma!!" I scream back pulling the short lady into my arms.

Lai's mom was the closest thing I've had to a mom for the past 4 years. And all while we were kids she was there for me.

"Now baby why haven't I seen you in so long." She asked giving me 'the look'. I turned my head scratching my neck.

"I don't know but I will send you my new adress for sure." I smiled pulling Ant next to me.

Her eyes lit up as she gave him a once over.

"Now who is this fine young man?" She rose her brows.

"Nice to meet you Ms..." He extended his hand.

"Awl baby just call me Momma. I seen that big rock on her hand as soon as she stepped out the car. Congrats babies." She smiled shaking his hand. We smiled and he began to walk away as I followed behind him.

I was pulled back and was met with a tight hug from Momma.

"Baby Lai told me about the baby and Tommy. Just know I am here for you and I love you." She whispered in my ear and gave me one last squeeze before pulling away.

I nodded kissing her cheek and giving a tight lipped smile.

"AYE HOWARD DONT YOU TOUCH THOSE CUPCAKES YA KNOW YOU GOT DIABETES!!!" She rushed over to her husband as he set down a cupcake, mumbling under his breathe.

I smiled as I watched the couple bicker before they ended up laughing at something.

Mr. And Mrs.Simons had been married since they were 21 and had Laila when they were 26. They are now 52 and still going strong.

"Serenity??" Laila screamed wobbling over to me.

"Hey how's the party going." I asked hugging her

"Good but where have you been?" She asked frantically.

"I'm sorry girl we kinda got a late start."

"Its fine just c'mon hurry up."

She pulled me and my feet never stopped moving after that.


"3,2,1" everyone cheered and recorded as T and Lai stood in the middle of everyone holding a balloon and a needle.

"GO!" I finally screamed.

"GO!" I finally screamed

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ITS A BOY!!!!!

The crowd burst into applause as T and Lai hugged and T picked up Lailani.

"WE'RE HAVING A BOY" Lai screamed watching all the blue confetti fall.

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