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4 months later (beginning of April)


"UGGGHHHHH" I screamed flopping back on the bed in exhaust.

"Riii get up girl it's gonna be okay" Lai said wobbling over with her belly. She was 5 months and you could definitely tell.

"But we just spent 5 hours in a dress store looking for my dresses and couldn't find not one. And on top of that I still have to get you and Milan yall dresses." I groaned sitting back up.

"I know but you still have a month." She said taking a seat on the couch.

"EXACTLY ONLY 1 MONTH LEFT. THE DATE IS MAY 1ST." I screamed jumping up and running my hands over my face.

Grabbing my stomach I sat back down as I got another cramp. I've been on my period all week but it's been super light. Lighter than usual.

"Anyways have you found the dress you wanted for your gender reveal next week?" I sighed.

"Yea I think so. Did you go-" "pick up the gender? Yea yea I know I got it and the surprise is getting made now." I cut her off causing her to laugh.

I rubbed my temples and took deep breathe. I really hated being last minute and these dress were definitely going to be just that.

"Oh girl don't worry it will all work itself out. Think about it everything else is done. The venue, the bnb, the makeup artist and stuff is all taken care of. We will get these dresses. I promise." She came over and rubbed my back.

I hope so.


"Mhhh that's nice" I moaned as Ant rubbed my back.

"Your so tense baby" he said digging deeper.

"Well you try getting a wedding dress and 2 gowns past minute. Not to mention one of my bridesmaids is 5 months pregnant and big as this damn bed." I fussed pressing my head into the pillow.

"Baby don't stress you're gonna get the dresses. I promise." He said getting off me and laying next to me.

I groaned rolling my eyes.

"And hey after all that. There is still this." He grabbed my chin sending a kiss to my lips.

"You're so lucky you're cute." I groaned sitting up.

"Mhm and how far will cute get a man like me with a woman like you." He said trying to pull me on top of him.

"Nothing but a wet dream because our 1 month rule started 3 days ago. Its the 4th baby." I smiled getting off the bed.

He flopped back like a toddler whining. I laughed before leaving the room.


"Okay yall what do yall think?" I said pulling back the curtain.

"Okay yall what do yall think?" I said pulling back the curtain

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"Ummm...its dress" Milan said wrinkling her nose and tilting her head looking me up and down.

"Damn that bad?" I sighed.

"Its horrendous. But I feel like I seen it somewhere before." Lai said going deep into thought.

"Yall what am I do?" I can't find a damn dress. We got less than 4 weeks and im way behind." I flail my arms around.

"Okay may I interfere?" The assistant stuck her hand up peeping her head in. I nodded sighing once more.

"Let me show you a dress that I think you might like." She asked guiding me away.


All 3 of us snapped our heads towards her.

"It looks like your mom's table cloth!" She exclaimed.

We all laughed before I was guided back into the dressing room.

"Okay I'll be back go ahead and undress." The assistant said peeping her head in before leaving.

A few moments later I'm standing in my bra and panties when she knocks on the door.

"Come in"

"Okay what about this one?" My jaw drops immediately.

I think I found the one.


Okay yall so its coming to an end with only 3 more chapters including the epilog and I know this one was a but shorter but trust me the next 2 will be great. Also the epilog will most likely be as long as this one so I am sorry but the 2nd book will be out soon. I love you guys and thank you for reading.

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