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♡Serenity ♡

I lay on Anthony's chest in our hotel bed as he strokes my back. It had been 1 day since we left the family house. I have been telling him I'm fine and want to enjoy the rest of the trip but he won't budge.

I start to get up when I feel him hold me tighter stopping me. "Where are you going." His raspy voice echoed in my ears. I ignored him prying his arms from around me. He sighed but released me.

I feel like he is overdoing it. I feel fine. I am fine.

Earlier I secretly called Lai and told her to come get me and take me swimming. I know I can't submerge myself into the water but my feet would do perfectly fine.

I was about to walk into the restroom when I heard a knock on the door. Beating Ant to it I flung it up smiling when my smile instantly dropped from the sight.

There stood Lai not in a swimsuit at all and not only that but Trent was behind her. Staring at them blankly they pushed passed me walking into the room.

"What's going on?" Ant stood staring at them just like me.

"Ri needs help." Lai blurted out making my eyes buldge.

"What!?!?" I practically screamed

"Sis its been 2 days and you are pushing it to the side like it never happened. You're hurting and don't know how to accept it so you choose not to."

"No. I'm fine. I want to just enjoy the trip." I went to walk to the door when I saw Vince standing infront of it.


Thats when the tears started. I couldn't stop them. I had been holding onto them this whole time and now I couldn't anymore.

I laid with my back against the toilet just bawling.

I heard the door turning before footsteps approached me. "How the fuck did you get in." I growled keeping my head down.

The only response I got was 3 bodies wrapping around me.

I have to get through this.


~3 months later~

"What does it say" I asked anxiously as Ant held the test. His face fell from his smile and gave me my answer. We had been trying for the last month and got nothing. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared. I lost the baby and now I feel like that was my only chance.

I took a deep breathe and gathered myself. I learned to stop crying. It may hurt but tears don't change a thing.

"Its okay we'll just keep going." I smiled kissing his cheek before leaving the bathroom.

"I've gotta get ready to go. Me and Lai are going Christmas shopping for Lani." I said as he followed behind me.

"Cool. Hey listen I wanna talk to you about something really quick." He said sitting down on my bed.

"Yea whats up." I said going into my closet looking for something to wear. "So we've known each other for 3 years and been dating for 9 months right?"


"So im not gonna sugarcoat it. Move in with me." I jumped out the closet snapping my head at him. "Are you serious right now?" I asked looking at him blankly. He gulped and I swear I saw a drop of sweat on his forehead.

"Well only if you want to." He stood up as I walked over to him.

"Of course. I would love to and besides we both know you don't know how to cook so having me around would be great." I smiled punching his chest. He gasped looking hurt before smiling.

I looked him in his eyes and he did the same to me. He pulled me in for a kiss and a hug making me feel safe again. "I love you" "I love you too" I said pulling away. "Now leave me alone and let me get ready" I smile turning away to receive a smack to my backside.

"Watch the tone." He said laughing before leaving the room. I laughed before smiling to myself.

I feel at peace...kinda


"Girl im tired and these barbie toys are working my back." I whined holding multiple bags as Lai dragged me from store to store.

"Okay okay let's go." She huffed as we started to exit the big mall. "So how are you doing?" I asked as the cold winter air hit me.

"I'm fine can we talk about you now." She hurried off the topic. "Uh..sure I guess." I gave a uncomfortable laugh confused as to why that made her so tense.

"How you been?" "I've been alright I'm moving in with Anthony soon." I beamed putting half the bags in her car and half in mine. I bought Lani some stuff too.

"Shut up!!! Thats great!!" She pulled me into a hug. I smiled giving her a squeeze.

"How's the baby operation?" She asked still smiling. My eyes fell to the ground and I gave a small head shake no. "Its okay they are coming." She reassured me.

"Well look at you and this happy relationship weight. You're titties are getting heavy girl" I laughed changing the topic join with her. She tensed up once again. This time I knew better than to say anything. If she got uneasy at me asking how she was doing the weight would have been a whole different ball park.

But why is she so tense and sensitive?

"Well I've gotta go girl I'll see you next weekend for the Christmas eve slumber party." I smiled getting into my car. "Yea..yea I'll see you." She stuttered getting into hers.

I began driving off and the only thing on my mind was how strange she was acting. Was it because I brought up her weight? But she was acting funny before that and she has never cared before.

God she is like a pregnant woman.

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