XIV - The Start of a Tragic Year

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The year had just started! I was sitting in the great hall once more, at the Ravenclaw table, and I was absent-mindedly watching all the little first years get sorted. The moonlight was shining through the huge glass windows and wind was whistling in. A perfect night to start the term, and the year.

Fifth year was such an important year. We had to do our OWLs, and some of us would also become prefects. There was so much to look forward to - that's what I thought. I emphasise "thought".

Soon, once the last First-Year boy was sorted, Professor Dippet did his usual start of term speech. He went on about welcoming the first years and all the arrangements for the year. Just stuff about where was out of bounds and stuff like that. There was also a couple of new teachers who he introduced. Once the long speech was nearly finished, this is what he said.

"OK. Now I will announce the Head Boy, Head Girl and Fifth Year Prefects!"

He revealed the new Head Boy and girl. They both looked pretty happy about it and went up to the front to collect the special badges. He then went on to the prefects.

"For Gryffindor, the prefects are Marcus Adams and Betty Copper!"

The Gryffidor prefects went up to collect their badges and then sat back down at the table.

"The Hufflepuff prefects are Robbie Butterworth and Elena Morris!"

I recognised the girl, Elena. I took a few classes with her and she was one of my best friends. She smiled at me as the two went up to go and get the badges.

I knew which house was next!

"For Ravenclaw, the prefects will be Mary Warren and Lucas Stone!"

Yes! Mary was a prefect! I felt so happy for her. She would definitely make a better prefect than I would - if I'm being honest. Myrtle seemed to be pretty happy too, that her sister was a prefect. Mary and Lucas also went up to the front like all the other prefects.

"And finally, Slytherin. The prefects are Jessica Turner, and Tom Riddle!"

Tom? A prefect? He seriously can't be. He doesn't deserve to be a prefect at all! Has he really manipulated the teachers this much, to make him a prefect?

Tom smirked, and with Jasmine he also went up to the front.


Later that night, I was back up in the dormitory in Ravenclaw Tower. Mary was showing us her new prefect badge. She joked that she could take house points off us now - I'm pretty jealous. But I wouldn't be a good prefect - I know that.

I checked the timetable for tomorrow, and it was so packed. Double Transfiguration, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Charms, Divination and Herbology. I really needed my sleep.

One day later, I was tired out. I just wanted so badly to have dinner, and then get straight into my pyjamas, read and go to bed. The homework could be done tomorrow, right?


The days of the calendar were falling away so quickly. The workload was also piling up like it never was before. We'd have to do the OWLs in the summer term. Nine months may not seem that far away to some people, but for us Fifth Years it is so close.

The surprisingly cold September was getting much colder, as the winter was slowly coming. The nights were getting longer, and it felt as if we were being wrapped up in a cloud of darkness. Pretty ironic, considering what would be happening soon.

It became October soon, a month in which many things would happen.

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