7 - Prisoner

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It had been three months since I had gotten my strategist. Ever since my talk with my host, I had attempted to be slightly less condescending and cruel to my strategist and warrior - only a little. I just made their punishments a bit less intense. My strategist hallucinated once or twice a week, but it was never around his pet bunnies; it always happened when he was cleaning or occasionally in battle. I had begun to take him out on runs after the first hallucination incident, and he was certainly a good fighter; he also coordinated our attacks to make us more of a threat. Ever since the bunnies made their entrance, my warrior had been..pushing it. He was testing his limits almost constantly, seeing what to do and not to do; he had recently been calling me "Boss," which I did not understand. My strategist still referred to me as I wished him to; the scar I had left on his mentality during his first punishment would likely never heal. At the moment, I was preparing for our next run; we were attacking almost daily, since it was tiring my brother and his allies. I had been feeling weaker lately; I knew it wasn't power..just mentality. I wanted to prove that I was stronger. I wanted a prisoner.

"Strategist." I addressed.

"Yes, Dominus?" My strategist put his broom to the side; he had been cleaning roughly sixteen hours out of a day, exceptions being missions and caring for his pets. He had cleaned almost every room in the library, with or without help.

"I want you to arrange a battle plan." I came closer. "Are you aware of the blue one's battle tactics?"

"Yes, Dominus." My strategist had taken care to know his enemies.

"Make a plan to capture him; do not ask why."

"Yes, Dominus."

"I want it in the conference room within the hour."

"It will be done, Dominus."


I then watched as my strategist left the room to find out what we were going to do; he was good at his job. His instructions were clear and easy to understand, and his plans always worked. I knew that not all of his plans would be successful, but up until now, everything had been. I went off to find my warrior; I was going to need a better title for him, since "warrior" was not the most..specific. I found my warrior within ten minutes, after remembering that emotion sensing was a thing. My warrior was reading a book in one of the many rooms of the library; he had taken to reading, apparently since there was little to do.

"Warrior." I grabbed his attention.

"Heya, Boss." He responded, placing his book to the side. "Need me for something?"

I internally envisioned myself brutally murdering my warrior before calmly responding with, "We're going out when the strategist finishes our plan."

"Whatever you say, Boss." 

"Must you call me that?"


"Just be in the conference room within the hour."

"Okay, Boss."

I proceeded to make my way to the conference room, which had recently been dubbed so. It was getting a bit difficult to track down both of my subordinates and tell them our battle plans separately, which led to its birth. If I were being honest, it was just a room with a table and a few chairs in it with a lamp overhead. When I reached the room, I sat down in the biggest and most decorated chair - my chair - and waited for my subordinates to show up.

"Why are you trying to kidnap Blue?" My host should have known. "But I don't."

"I feel soft." I confessed.

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