19 - Test

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"Are you sure about this?" I faintly heard a voice..one I didn't recognize. 

"Of course I am!" ..I recognized that one, at least: Dream. "Even if my brother's not visibly there, I know he'll appreciate this..I can't wait to see him again."

"Goopy..?" Passive was starting to come to; despite sharing the same body, we didn't wake up at exactly the same time.

"I'm here.." I mumbled, letting him know I was functioning. 

"Where are we? Open your eye; I wanna see!" 

I obliged, opening my eyesocket slowly to find..a bright light overhead? I quickly turned my skull to the side; that was far too bright for my liking! Perhaps it would have been better to stare at the light than to see what was to my side, unfortunately; it was Dream, joined by a Gaster..

A very alive, very science-oriented Gaster.

We were in a lab.

"Oh..you weren't supposed to wake up just yet, brother.." Dream noticed me, giving me a sympathetic look; I could tell he was only addressing Passive, not me. "It's okay, though; you'll be okay, soon!"

"Are you insane?" I hissed. "What are you trying to do?!"

"Well, the easiest way to deal with this would be to separate you from my brother." Dream said, as if it were really as simple as saying the word. 

"Have you just forgotten the fact that that would just kill us both?" 

"You clearly haven't tried." Dream reminded. "And I have to assume that you lied."

"Oh, really?" 

I scoffed, pushing myself to my feet and approaching the bars of the cage that I had been placed in. 

"Magic suppressing bars." Passive identified the material. "Don't touch them - they'll drain us more than they already are."

I stopped short of them, levelling a glare at Dream.

"You think I want this brat inside my head?!" I had to make this convincing. "You think I like him?! I've tried countless times to get rid of him, so what makes you think you can do any better?!"

"..It'll work, this time." Dream assured. "You've never had access to such modern technology, so of course you wouldn't be able to do it. But, with these resources we have now..we can. Just relax, brother; I know it's been hard, but it's almost over. There are some books in there that you might like; we're not quite ready, and I didn't want you to be bored while you waited, if you did wake up early."

"This will accomplish nothing." I said, with complete certainty. "You're going to kill us both. I hope you-"

"Goopy.." Passive whispered. "Please don't.."

I looked down, letting out a sigh.

"You're not always right, Dream." I informed. "Sometimes, things just have to be a certain way."

"..We'll be ready in a couple hours." Dream stated, before walking off with the Gaster. 

I looked over to the small stack of novels in the cage; Dream had put them there, undoubtedly. 

"Any way out?" I asked, finding no flaws with the cage myself.

"Nope." Passive replied. "Even brushing against those bars would probably drain enough magic to knock us out, and..I think we're gonna need all the magic we can use.."

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