11 - Mealtime

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Haha..it's been a while.

I figured I should actually update this, since..I've gotten ten million requests for updates.

Here is a detailed description of what this story has been doing to me.

I go to write more, I write about five words, and then writer's block shoots me in the head and tells me to write something else. 

So..sorry about the ridiculous wait, but I hope you enjoy this chapter! 

I will offer no guarantees as to when the next chapter will come out.

If there is another several month gap and you people are sick of my procrastination, you guys can spam the comment section every day and force me to update; that'll probably work..I think.

And while we're here, I've received zero requests for ATE Extras 6, and I've begun to write, so if you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them!

Comments are welcome and appreciated!

Please enjoy!




It had been three months since I had been made Nightmare's second-in-command. To my surprise, he hadn't taken any of us to the basement since before the event. I still didn't really understand how Nightmare was two people, but Passive seemed nice enough; it was nice to know that I wasn't the only one who wanted to annoy Nightmare. Recently, Blue had been fighting us again; I wondered where he had been after we had captured and released him - I still had no clue why we did that - but Nightmare didn't exactly seem keen on sharing that information just yet. As for the rest of us, we were doing okay; we were a pretty tight-knit group, and we got along better than one might have thought. Heh, I remembered the time Horror and Tremor found out that Dust literally had never eaten anything except spaghetti; I had gotten a scolding for not introducing food to him sooner, but that was fine. Dust had been introduced to a lot of different foods that day; his favorite was a cut of steak that Horror made special, and I wasn't denying that it was quite possibly the most delicious thing I had ever tried either..Horror had a talent for cooking.

"So how old are you guys?" Horror asked, stirring a pot that contained our lunch; he had essentially become the cook, since I was horrible, Dust apparently had never been permitted in a kitchen, and Tremor encouraged his brother to pursue a culinary hobby.

"I'm about.." I hummed, remembering times past. "Twenty-five. Including resets, I'm at the humble age of..one thousand..eighty-three?"

"Cool. I'm twenty-nine."

"Seventeen." Dust said; we looked at him confusedly. "Well, I guess eighteen now, since I've been here a while."

"How the heck are ya so young?" Horror questioned.

"I am the younger one in my family."

"Oh, right. Forgot about that for a sec."

"How old is Tremor?" I inquired.

"He's twenty-five, like you."

"What about when the resets started?"

"We didn't get those - leastways, not what I remember.." Horror gestured to the hole in his skull. "If we ever did have somethin' like that, it passed years ago, likely 'round the time Undyne came into power..about a decade ago, actually.."


"Where's Tremor?" Dust looked around, finding no trace of the taller skeleton. 

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