Im fucking sorry ok

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I woke up this morning in my bed with no memory of how I got there I saw a glass of water and aspirin on my bedside table I figured one of my siblings left it there, I got up took some aspirin and went down stairs and sat on the couch staring into space thinking about what happened with Mickey

"Hey you ok" Ian asked me
"If I tell you something promise you won't get mad" I say looking at him
"Ok I promise" he said
"I fucked someone" I reply
"Who" Ian yelled
"I fucked Mickey then got the gun back"
"What's with all the yelling" Fiona interrupted
"Cheryl fucked Mickey Milkovich" Ian said with an angry tone
"Fucking hell this family is messed up" Fiona said walking to the kitchen.
Ian kept staring at me with an intent glare,I looked at him
"Look I'm fucking sorry ok" I say rolling my eyes.
Ian decided to ignore me so I took a nap on the sofa, I woke up at around 8:30pm just in time to get ready for work. My uniform was a lace red body suit, small black leather shorts, fishnet tights and a pair of black heels. Everyone has there own colour of the body suit's we don't get to choose the colour. I get to work and I serve drinks for a good hour or so until I saw someone I never thought I'd see at the club.

"Mickey" I said in shock
"Cher what are you doing here" he questioned
"I work here" I smiled
"Since when"
"I started a few weeks ago" Mickey looked shocked
There was awkward silence between me and Mickey until I broke it.
"What do you want to drink"I asked him
"Beer" he replied
I walked over to where we had the beer glasses got one and poured him a beer
"Thanks" he said as I handed him the glass
"No problem" before he could speak a man walked over
"Hey hottie can I get a vodka shot with your number"
Uh don't think so cree-,"
"Piss off, she's with me,"
You look over and see Mickey glaring daggers at the man.
The Man begins stuttering apologies and stumbles away.
"What?" You look over at Mickey puzzled and see him staring at you with a smug expression.
"I would appreciate a 'thank you '" he says
You roll your eyes at him " you didn't have to do that, I'm more than capable of getting him to go away myself."
"Yup sure you ca-"
He's cut off by you slapping his cheek, your crimson nails leaving peachy marks on his skin .
Mickey turns and smirks at you, "cute, but I don't think a little smack would have driven away an infamous drug dealer.
You stare at him shocked, you didn't even know who that guy was. "Thanks I guess,"
"You're very welcome," he says with a pleased look on his face.

-time skip-

You finish your last drink and walk over to Mickey "alright, I'm going to head home now,"
"Do you have a ride home?" Mickey asks.
"No, I'm probably going to get an Uber"
Mickey walks up to you, "since you've been great company today,I'll get you an Uber,"
You roll your eyes at him playfully "oh what a gentleman."
"Always am," he says smirking.
Soon after, an Uber pulled up at the curb of the road, you and Mickey walked over to the Uber, and just before you went to sit in the car Mickey hurriedly pulled you back.
"What are-"
"What the fuck" you look at Mickey and see him looking furious, glaring at the Uber driver who you had yet to see.
"Why don't I give you a ride home instead Cheryl'" Mickey says clenching his jaw.
"Why what's wrong?" I say confused.
"Why don't I give you a ride home instead" Mickey insisted
"Ok sure" I smiled at Mickey

Fuck Buddies... or more// Mickey MilkovichWhere stories live. Discover now