A ride...home?

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(TW: violence,blood)
"Can I get the aux cord?" I politely ask Mickey.
"No chance," Mickey responds grumpily,
I huff "what the hell happened to you back there with the Uber?"
"If I tell you, will you stay silent for the remaining journey?"
I pretend to think for a second, "alright sure,"
"That Uber driver was someone I know,"
"Oh what, so you became embarrassed that you were caught fucking a Gallagher?"
He grumbles "no idiot, I know that guy because I've done business with him, let's just say he's not actually an Uber driver."
I stay quiet for a minute processing what Mickey just said,
"So, you didn't want me to get taken home by a criminal?"
"...yes" Mickey responds rolling his eyes
"Don't you think that's a bit hypocritical, since you are in fact, a criminal yourself." I state
You watch as mickeys jaw clenched "well you trust me, don't you?" He smirks
"Just because I fucked you once doesn't mean I complete trust you," I  say irritated
"Well you trust me more than him and that's all that matters,"
I stay quiet and Mickey smirks knowing he won the argument.
"But don't worry,we're almost at your house anyways so you can say goodbye to this criminal,"
You suddenly realise something, "how the Fuck did you even know my address?"

He pulls up at the  curb and you go up to the dark oak door and start searching for your keys.
"Ah shit" I mutter not finding my keys anywhere, I must have forgotten them when leaving the house. I hurriedly rap the door knowing Mickey is still waiting in the car for me to go in. A few minutes pass and no one has came to open the door. I step onto the front lawn and look to see if there are any lights on in the house and see Ian's is on, I huff, of course he's still upset with me and is deciding to be petty and not let me in.I start walking back to mickeys car feeling worried and slightly embarrassed.
"What happened?" Mickey asked
I laugh nervously "I uh forgot to take my keys, and Ian won't let me in."
"Why not?" Mickey asks confused,
"Long story" I sigh,
I stand awkwardly outside of his car for a few minutes until Mickey speaks up,
"Get in then,"
"What,why?" I say puzzled "
"Well what were you planning to do standing here? Get in" he says as if he just pointed out the most obvious thing ever.
"I was going to wait for Fiona to get back" I say
"And how long will she be back in?" He asks raising his eyebrows.
"Uh few hours maybe..."
He laughs "ya no, just come with me,"
I roll my eyes "listen I know we are being friendly and all, but you are still a criminal, like I said I don't completely trust you,"
"Listen here love, if I had wanted to kill you I would have by now, plus I don't normally have fuck thoughts about my victims," he winks obnoxiously.
I laugh deciding to get in "well if I do end up dying, then I'll die knowing you make a great fuck buddy."
He smiles "well maybe you could die knowing I make a great fuck buddy....or more,"
I laugh throwing my head back, exposing my neck littered with purple marks in all sizes.
I look at Mickey and see him staring right at me with a pleased look on his face.
"What?" I ask confused,
Mickey hurriedly pulls me forward by the back of my head and softly rubs my neck, my breath hitches in my throat and I start getting butterflies in a certain restricted area, he gently kisses the side of my face and whispers in my ear.
"Should we take this to the back seat"
You look to your house see that the boys room curtains are shut,
"Uhhh Why not"
He opened the car door and started kissing you. Your lying on the  back seats taking your clothes off each-other.

                  -in the Gallagher house-
Carl walked outside to get an action figure he left, when he got to up the gate he heard strange noises coming from the car parked out side, he quickly grabbed his action figure and ran into the house to alert his older brother's. He ran into his room the he shared with his brothers.
"Lip, Ian there is a car I've never seen before parked outside and there are weird noises coming from it I think the people inside it are having sex!" He said excitedly.
Lip and Ian quickly jumped up and opened the curtains to see a dark  car parked outside their house,
Lip turned to face him
"you don't think  that's he's with Cheryl do you,like you told me?"
"CHERYL'S HAVING SEX, CHERYL'S HAVING SEX" Carl shouted jumping up and down on his bed. Ian started running down stairs

You and Mickey are putting your clothes back on,
"Ready for round 2 Gallagher?" Mickey questioned smirking.
"In your dreams Milkovich"
All of a sudden we see the house door fly open to reveal Ian running outside with a bat,
"Shit" I mutter my eyes widening
"What's wrong, are you okay?" Mickey asks concerned.
I grab  his arm roughly and pull both of us out the car and crouch beside the petrol tank of the car.
"Is that your brother?" Mickey whispers confused,
"No it's my pet cat" I roll my eyes at him "of course it's my brother idiot" I hiss.
"Well then this will be fun" Mickey smirks starting to get up,
I attempt to pull him down, but he overpowers me, "Mickey what do you think you're doing" I scold him.
"I'm not one to disobey someone's polite request to see me," Mickey says now visible to Ian. He turns towards me to whisper "stay quiet there"
"Are you being serious? You expect me to sit here and watch two people I care about get into a fight" I snap at him.
"Aww, you care about m-" he gets cut off as a bat clashed with his skull.
I stay hidden trembling with fear of what's going to happen when I see Mickey get up, I gasp at the sight of a crimson red mark on the side of his head,oozing with blood. He stumbles into the drivers side of the car, Ian being dragged back home by Lip who's made it to the car and saw what happened.
"Mickey what the hell" I say panicked,
"Put your seatbelt on I'm going to be driving pretty fast," he says his voice quiet,
"NO FUCKING WAY," I half shout at him, "you are in no condition to drive right now, you are gonna pass out soon because of lack of blood and then what will happen?"
He sighs "only pussies faint, I'll be fine" he starts the engine and pulls out the driveway.

Thanks to my best friend @stanthemarauders
For writing most of the past 2 chapter she will more that's likely write the next chapters coming. We both come up with the ideas she just writes them.

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