Save Him

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I'm sorry if the dialogue looked a bit weird on the previous chapter I wrote it on my laptop and I forgot it would change how it looked on other devices sorry.
TW// cursing
Also I'm sorry if the spelling is bad it's currently 1 in the morning and really stressed, also do you like the longer of shorter chapters better??
Oh and I hope your having a good day and remember to eat something and drink some water :)

Wilburs POV
"We have to save him Phil, his dads gonna beat the shit out of him"
"Woah woah, Wil, calm down, tell me what happened."
"Ok, so" Wil began "I called him after he left the bc because I felt bad and I wanted him to know that it was a joke, but when I called he sounded really stressed, he was having a panic attack. I managed to help him, then I asked if his panic attack had a trigger because mine normally do, he told me he wanted to tell me but he couldn't, then I asked him why he couldn't and he said it was because he would hurt him"
"Who's 'he'?"
"His dad, I heard a slam from downstairs and Tommy sounded terrified then before he hung up he screamed dad please I'm sorry"
"Ok so what's the plan because there is no way in hell I'm letting him stay in that house" Phil replied
"Well I know his address so I'm going over to his house and getting him out of there."
"No offence Wil, but are u sure that's a good idea, his dad sounds drunk as fuck and very violent, what if you get caught in the cross fire, your no help to Tommy if your out cold on the floor next to him"
"Phil, I'm going, I'm also no help to Tommy if I'm just sitting here whilst he's getting the shit beat out of him, I mean yea my plan could fail but then again it might not and it's a risk I'm willing to take."
"Well your not going alone, you guys may see me as old but I will get violent if some prick is hurting the people that are like my family, I'm on my way to your right now and I'll be there in 15 minutes."
"Ok I'll be outside waiting"

Third person POV
And with that Wil got ready to go beat the crap out of Tommy's dad and Phil got in his car and made his way to Wilbur house. Wilbur was so mad at himself, how could he not notice, how, Tommy was like his brother and he could notice the fact that his dad was abusive, it should have been obvious why didn't he see it.

Ten minutes passed and Wilbur was waiting outside for Phil, a car pulled into the street and Wilbur saw who was driving, it was Philza minecraft and he looked pissed. Phil stopped in the middle of the street and motioned for Wilbur to get in the car, Wilbur open the passenger door and got into the car. Wil looked at Phil and saw and look of pure rage on his face, Wil was not use to this look, Phil didn't say a word before he drove off.

"You ok Phil? You look really angry" Wilbur asked
"That's because I am Wilbur, I mean yea I'm so mad at Tommy's dad for doing this stuff to him but I'm mad at myself as well for not noticing."
"Yea me to, but we know now and we have the chance to go help him, next left" Wilbur began to give Phil directions to Tommy's house and they were there in thirty minutes, Phil may have been driving a little bit over the limit but he didn't care he had to go help Tommy.
"That one" Wilbur pointed to a house, the front garden messy and the windows dirty, and a car in the driveway.
"Great, his dad is still in there"
"That's fine Wil, let's just focus on getting Tommy out of there and safe yea?"
Phil looked over to Wil who nodded in agreement, they both got out of the car and walked up to the front door of the shabby and unkept house, both their minds were flooded with thoughts of what could happen, Phils with what would happen after they got Tommy out and Wils what they would do if they didn't manage to get Tommy out.
Phil took a deep breath and knocked on the door and after a few knocks and no response Wilbur's patience started to where thin, he could wait much longer and eventually he took a step back and with all his strength and anger he kicked the door in stepped inside and screamed.
"Where are you you prick, get here now and leave Tommy alone!"
Shortly after they heard a set of heavy footsteps making there way downstairs. They belonged to Tommy's dad.

Word count: 840 words

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