What Now?

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Wilburs POV

Tommy had just came out of surgery and was in a room. I stood by the door and looked at him, he had a large bandage around his ribs and around his arms, an IV in one arm. I just stood there, I couldn't bring myself to walk in, the nurses told me I should be there for him when he wakes up but I just couldn't. I felt like it was my fault, it is my fault, I could have stopped this from happening, if I had payed more attention to how he was acting, this might never have happened and Tommy wouldn't be in a hospital bed. But no, I didn't and now Tommy's paying the price for my mistake.

Phils POV

I ran into the hospital and to the front desk.
"Do you know what room Tom Simons is in?" (that felt weird, I don't like that, I'm probably gonna change it. If it's against his boundaries I will change it. It feels weird to write)
"Yes, he's in room 290 on the 3rd froor, are you family?" A lady sat at the desk said.
I hesitated, legally no I'm not but I'm like his father, I might not be biological but me, Wil and the others are probably the best family he's got.
"Yes, yes I am family"
"Ok, stairs are down that hallway to the right, the room shouldn't be to hard to find."
"Thank you"
"Your welcome"

I made my way down the hallway and started going up the stairs as fast as I could, i really wanted to be there for Tommy when he woke up, I knew Wil was there but knowing him, he's probably pacing back and forth debating whether or not he should go in, or siting there staring at the ceiling rethinking the entire thing and how it could have gone a different way. He does that a lot.
I finally made it to the top and started to search for room 209 and just like lady at the front desk told me, it wasn't to hard to find and just like I knew, Wil was pacing back and forth outside of Tommy's hospital room.
He noticed me walking towards him and stopped.
"Hey Phil" he said
"Hey Wil, how are you?" I asked, bit of a dumb question I know but sometimes it just helps.
"I'm ok I guess" he replied
"Really. If that was true then why are you pacing out here and not in there sitting next to Tommy in case he wakes up?"
"I just can't Phil, I feel like this is all my fault, I should have noticed, what if today went differently, what if he didn't call me and we didn't find him, he could have bled out in the floor, all because I didn't notice" he replied, his voice started to crack, I knew he felt really bad, but no matter how many times I could tell him it wasn't his fault he wouldn't believe me, it's how his brain works, it's filled with 'what ifs', self hatred and the thought that everything bad that happens is his fault.
" Wil listen to me, it isn't your fault, he was really good at hiding it, and stop thinking about the 'what ifs', non of it happened, it won't happen, we got him out ok. He's going to be safe now, stop focusing on what could have happened and what could have gone wrong and start focusing on the good things that happened, we got Tommy out. I mean yea it's gonna take a while for him to heal, physically and mentally, but he'll do it, he's a strong kid"
And for once Wil was quiet, there was no 'yea but' he just stood there.
"Right, now let's go in there and be there for him when he wakes up because he's gonna need us, probably now more than ever, ok?"
"Good, cmon"
I walked into Tommy's room and Wil followed, maybe all he needed was someone to talk to him, make sure he knew that non of it was his fault.

And now, we waited. Me and Wil sat either side of Tommy and waited for him to wake up, we posted stuff on most of his social media platforms, Twitter, Instagram, even did something on his discord, all it said was that there was some personal stuff going on and that he was gonna take a break for a while. We also updated everyone on what was happening, Dream and Techno were happy to hear that he was safe, everyone was. Tubbo said he would ask his parents if he could come an visit when Tommy was awake and even some people from America said that they would fly over to see if he's ok and to be there for him, Ranboo included, on screen they sometimes act like they aren't friends but off screen they really are.

A few hours past and Wil fell asleep, he tried so hard to stay wake but he just couldn't keep his eyes open any longer, I promised him I would wake him up when Tommy woke up.

I turn to my side thinking I would see a grumpy and confused Wil but I didn't, I saw Tommy, he looked confused but he was awake.
"Tommy, oh god, I'm so glad your awake, how you feeling? Dumb question I know"
"I'm doing ok, in a bit of pain but other than that I'll live"
"Good, oh do me a favour and give Wil a nudge"
Tommy gave me a confused look but did it anyway.
And just like that Wil was awake too, don't get me wrong he looked grumpy and confused but it didn't last long, he cheered up once he saw who woke him up.
"TOMMY!" he yelled
"Shhhhh" I replied "there might be people sleeping"
"Oh yea sorry. Tommy!" He whispered
"Hey Wil, nice to see you made yourself comfortable" Tommy said with a smile, he was staring directly at the blanket Wil was holding, originally it was at the foot of the hospital bed but Wil wanted to get comfortable.
"Oh yea, sorry mate, I was tired"
"It's ok big man, anyway, how long have I been asleep?"
"Um, about 8 hours" I replied
"8 hours? Not to sound self centred or anything but we're people worried about me?"
"Yea they were, and I hope it's ok but we posted on some of your social media accounts. Don't worry we didn't tell them what happened, we just said that something personal happened and your just gonna take a break, everyone understands."
"Did everyone on the SMP buy it?"
"Um, we kinda told them what happened, sorry, I know it's not out place to say or out story to tell but we just felt bad not saying anything"
"It's fine, I would rather them know"
"Oh yea, about them knowing, Tubbo going to visit tomorrow and some people are flying over to see you, you know, Dream, Techno, Ranboo, Quackity and probably a few more."
"Damn, so I really have to get put in hospital for people to come and visit me, wow that's extreme."
"Haha very funny" Wil said sarcastically.
And for the rest of the night until we went back to sleep, we just talked, about pretty much everything, the nurses came in every now and then to check on Tommy and give him his meds but other than that it was ok. The doctors said he would have to stay in hospital for a few days to a week possibly even longer depending on how fast he healed but he would be out soon, that was great news. The only thing is... what now?


Hello, sorry it's been a while, physically I'm doing better, not so much mentally but I'll manage, schools ok, apart from the fact that I hate it but don't most people. I'll try and get more regular chapters out, maybe once or twice a week, possibly more, it's just hard with school and stuff yknow thanks for being patient, I really appreciate it and I hope you like the chapter. Remember to look after yourself, eat something and drink some water, you are loved and appreciated, I hope you have an amazing day or night <3


Word count: 1430

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