Liar Liar Pants on Fire

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Key Notes:
y/n - your name

🧍‍♀️Your POV🧍‍♀️

I open my eyes to the bright morning sunlight, "who opened my curtains?" I get up and see a figure standing by my door, "AHH WHO THE FUCK-"

"Sorry y/n! It's me...Adrien."

I roll my eyes and pull the sheets up, "sunshine boy, that's creepy. What if I slept naked? What would you have done then?"

"Uhh, I guess I would be regretting some decisions and stare awkwardly."

"You'd stare? That's it? You'd stand there and fucking stare?"

"Ok, so I said that wrong...I'd be frozen in shock and fear. Which would cause me to just stand and stare."

"I'm still hearing  that you'd be staring..."

"Whatever! I just came in here to tell you that you start school today. Your mother said you'd wake up if there was a bright light shining on your face so..." He points at the curtains, "I opened up the curtains."

I stare at him with disgust, "I really don't care, why do I need school?"

"Education? Also here's the schedule for today."

He hands me a piece of paper with a list of things with the times for when it starts, "oh...thanks..."

He nods and leaves the room.

Back to the list, gawd dammit, why do I need a list of what I need to do? I read the schedule.

school                               ... 8:15 am
Piano lessons                 ... 3:00 pm
Cake pick-up                   ... 4:45 pm
Wedding                            ... 5:30 pm


I crumple the list and throw it on my bed. Then I get up and get dress. I'm not going to school. I refuse to go.

I unpack my skateboard and carry it downstairs. I touch the doorknob to the front door then I hear a male voice, "ah, y/n, you're awake."

I turn around and see old man Agreste, "yeah, I was going to leave just now."

"For school? Isn't it too early, its 7:37 right now?"

"Yeah, you know, I like to get there...early."

He chuckles, "don't lie y/n no one likes a liar."

"I don't need to tell the truth to you. You aren't my father."

I turn around then I feel a hand grab my arm. Agreste gets close to my face with a  stern look, he didn't look amused now, "listen here young lady, this is my house. You are under my roof. Do you hear? My damn roof. Check your attitude before someone checks it for you. Because you're fucking disrespectful to people who did nothing to you."

I laugh sarcastically, "people that did nothing to me? HA hA Ha. And who are these 'people'?"

"Me, your mother, my son-"

"OH lemme stop you right there...first, my mother, took me away from my dad. Because of her, I CAN'T EVER FUCKING SEE HIM! AND YOU, DAMN YOU! YOU TOOK ME AND MY MOTHER AWAY FROM OUR HOUSE! AND YOU THINK YOU CAN REPLACE MY DAD? HeLL nAw. And your son? I HATE HIM BECAUSE HE'S PERFECT! HE'S A GOLDEN BOY!"


"NO SHUT THE FUCK UP, OLD MAN!" I open the front door fast and skate away.

🥐 Adrien's POV 🥐

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