Red Rum part 2

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Key Notes:
y/n - your name

💀 Hawkmoth's POV 💀

I wait for Camilla to wake up. Did I hit her too hard? I don't think so.

I pour two glasses of red rum. One for me, the other for Cami.

I had Nathalie inject her with something that makes her unable to move her limbs. She can't run this time.

I watch as she starts to open her pretty little eyes.

"What happened?"

"Finally you're awake."

"Why can't I MOVE?!"

"Uh...magic. Anyways. Give me the miraculous or else..."

"What's a miraculous?"

"Cmon you already gave yourself away the moment you said 'Gustav'." I extend my hand out.

"First, I don't have a miraculous. Two, if I did, I couldn't give it since you turned my limbs into JELLO!"

"I searched everywhere for it. I searched for you. Now that I have you, I won't let you go until I get what I WANT!"

"Then I guess you're stuck with me forever."

"That's a long time dear. But hey, maybe I can tell a story then."

"Dear? Wait a damn minute..."

"Shut up."

She shuts up so I start to tell my story.

"My family was contacted by the Dior and Ignatius family. They were asking my family for help to look for you and your boyfriend. My family accepted and decided to help. Soon after a week of searching, they were massacred. On the wall, in blood, the phrase 'CD and AI' was written. I thought of it as initials. Like Camilla Dior and Arthur Ignatius."

"I didn't kil your family. Neither did Arthur!"

"But it had something to do with you. Probably involving the miraculous. I watched as men and women with black masks, like ninjas, took the life of my mother and father. I watched as blood splattered against the wall when my fathers head was smashed with a hammer. I heard the cries for help as my cousins were caught in a bullet frenzy. Their bodies fell to the ground, lifeless."

"That's probably why you're so messed up in the head."

"No. I was put in the foster care systems. I inherited a bunch of cash and my family estate, the mansion. I changed my first and last name. I'm no longer Gustav Agilles. I am Gabriel Agreste."


"Dark wings close."

Sorry I don't know what the destransformation command is for Nooroo😭

" were hunting me this whole time?"

"No...I found the people who wanted you. They killed my family because of you and your family. They killed mine because of your boyfriend and j'ai family. My new life is because of YOU. I thank you and also hate you."

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