New Family

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Key Notes:
y/n - your name
m/n - middle name
f/c - favorite color
f/m - favorite music
Little background info on y/n
• you're 16 about to be 17
• no siblings by blood
• just you and your mom (for now)

(You live in Paris already)

🧍‍♀️Your POV🧍‍♀️

I wake up and roll my eyes. Why did I have to wake up? And why so early? It's only 10:37 am ugh. What the fuck has my life come to?

I roll out of bed and put on my favorite band shirt with shorts.

Yeah whatever, this will do.

I go downstairs and see my mom, "hey."

"Hi, so I didn't make breakfast as you can see..."

"Yeah mhm...why?"

"Because we're going to be eating at the rehearsal dinner tonight." She starts to clap her hands and smiles wide.

"Oh shit, I forgot about that."




"UGH!" I scoot away from the table in my chair and go back upstairs.

I start packing the rest of my things, "why does she need a stupid man in her life anyway? Why is she trying to replace dad? This is bull shit. I can't believe this. And I'm clearly bat shit crazy because I'm talking to myself..."

I grab a picture frame of me, dad, and mom...

Wow, we all look so happy...

I pack it in my suitcase. I grab a few boxes and pull my suitcase downstairs.

"You know..." mom starts, "you'll have a brother."

"No. I never had a brother. And I never will. Whoever that boy is, he can stay the hell away from me."

As I was about to leave to get more boxes my mom slams her hands on the table, "WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS NOW?" she starts to cry, "YOU USE TO BE SUCH A SWEET GIRL! I'VE TRIED TO MAKE IT UP WHEN IT WASN'T EVEN MY FAULT! WHY DO YOU GIVE ME SUCH A HARD TIME?"

I didn't say anything, she's wrong. I disrespect her for a very good reason. But I just don't care. I only care about my own feelings now. And my feelings towards her are anger sometimes, "whatever." I run upstairs.

I don't want to be here. I need to get the fuck out.

I tie my bedsheets together, then I tie one end to the foot of my bed. I throw the sheets out the window and climb down. I hop into the grass and sigh happily, "finally!"

I turn around and see mom, I scream.

"Get in the car we're leaving. You are not ruining this moment for me."

"So what? You're a creepy stalker now?"

"What kind of accusation is that?"

"Well here, let me think for a damn second...hmm, well you always seem to know where the HELL I am now for starters!"

"Get in the damn car before I whoop your ass."

I roll my eyes and step into the vehicle.

I take my earbuds out of my f/c backpack. They were all tangled, "ugh you damn earbuds." I try to untangle them. I eventually got it, even though one side had a knot. I just put the right one in my ear and played f/m.

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